2nd #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 6th September: Amber Room

Our second cocktail is the Amber Room. A vintage cocktail of unknown origin, related to the Bijou cocktail, but with different proportions.

Amber Room

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A vintage cocktail of unknown origin, related to the Bijou cocktail, but with different proportions.

I've seen some people say this cocktail also differs as it is stirred and the original Bijou was layered, but Harry Johnson's early recipe for a Bijou makes no mention of layering.

 45 ml (1½ oz) London Dry Gin
 15 ml (½ oz) Green Chartreuse
 15 ml (½ oz) sweet vermouth
 2 dashes orange bitters


Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a cocktail glass.


Express the oils from a lemon twist and discard.

AI generated anecdote for article length

It was one of those magical autumn evenings when the golden light of the setting sun streamed through the windows, casting everything inside with a soft amber glow. Will stood in his kitchen, taking in the scene. The living room was buzzing with conversation, the scent of roasting butternut squash and sage wafting through the air, mingling with the earthy smell of fallen leaves that had blown in earlier when the door was left open for just a moment too long. The crisp chill of the evening had everyone appreciating the warmth of the house, and Will was preparing something special to match the mood—an "Amber Room" cocktail.

This particular cocktail had become Will’s autumn signature, something he looked forward to sharing each year once the days began to shorten and the air grew cooler. It wasn’t as well-known as the Negroni or an Old Fashioned, but that’s what he liked about it. The Amber Room was a quiet, sophisticated cocktail, blending London Dry Gin with the herbal bite of Green Chartreuse, the richness of sweet vermouth, and the zing of orange bitters. It was named for the legendary lost Amber Room of Russia, a beautiful space covered in amber panels and gold leaf. In a way, the drink mimicked that room’s warmth and mystery, both intriguing and comforting.

"Alright, folks," Will called out from behind his makeshift bar, a vintage cabinet he’d repurposed for cocktail-making. His friends—five of them, sprawled across the living room on the couch and various armchairs—turned their attention to him, their conversation ebbing for a moment. They had already spent the evening snacking on pumpkin seeds, fresh-baked bread, and cranberry chutney, and now the promise of a handcrafted cocktail had them sitting up with renewed interest.

"What’s on the menu tonight, Will?" asked Grace, a close friend who had brought over a plate of maple-glazed carrots as her contribution to the meal. Her curiosity was piqued as Will gathered his ingredients, and the others watched with equal anticipation.

"Tonight," Will said with a grin, "I’m serving the Amber Room. It’s got a strong autumn vibe—London Dry Gin, Green Chartreuse, sweet vermouth, and orange bitters. I think you’ll all like it. It’s one of those drinks that’s both bold and smooth, perfect for these longer nights."

He placed the bottles on the counter with the kind of quiet reverence only a true cocktail enthusiast could manage. The Green Chartreuse bottle, with its vibrant green liquid, stood out among the amber vermouth and clear gin, its herbal notes hinting at the complexity it would add to the drink. Will measured out two ounces of gin, one ounce of sweet vermouth, and three-quarters of an ounce of Green Chartreuse with practiced precision. He could do this in his sleep now, but he always took his time, enjoying the process of crafting something thoughtful for his friends.

"It’s all about balance," he said, almost to himself, as he reached for the orange bitters. With two quick dashes, he added them to the mixing glass already filled with ice. The scent of the bitters, bright and slightly spiced, wafted up, mixing with the rich herbal aromas of the Chartreuse and the deep sweetness of the vermouth.

He stirred the mixture gently, his hand making smooth circles as the ice clinked against the glass. The sound seemed to harmonize with the soft jazz playing in the background, creating a cozy atmosphere that made everyone relax just a little bit more. After a good thirty seconds of stirring, Will strained the cocktail into a row of pre-chilled coupe glasses, the liquid taking on a warm, amber hue as it caught the fading light from the windows. The drink shimmered like polished wood, its color inviting and almost luxurious.

Will took a moment to admire his work before passing the glasses around. Each friend took one eagerly, lifting the delicate coupe glasses and holding them up in a small toast. "To autumn," Dan said with a grin, and the others echoed him with smiles of their own. As they each took a sip, their faces lit up with surprise and pleasure.

"This is incredible," Grace said after a moment. "It’s herbal, but there’s something so warm about it. The gin comes through, but that Green Chartreuse… wow. It’s like drinking a sunset." She took another sip, closing her eyes for a moment as she savored the complex blend of flavors.

Will smiled to himself, feeling the satisfaction that always came when one of his creations hit the mark. He sipped his own Amber Room, letting the warmth of the drink spread through him like the slow burn of a fire on a cold night. The drink was a perfect encapsulation of the season, a reflection of the changing leaves, the golden light, and the comfort of a night spent in good company.

As the evening wore on, the conversations grew deeper, the laughter louder, and the chill outside a distant memory. The Amber Room cocktails in their hands added a touch of elegance to the casual gathering, their rich flavors a reminder that even the simplest of moments—shared among friends on an autumn evening—could be made extraordinary with a little care, a little thoughtfulness, and the right cocktail.


 45 ml (1½ oz) London Dry Gin
 15 ml (½ oz) Green Chartreuse
 15 ml (½ oz) sweet vermouth
 2 dashes orange bitters



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a cocktail glass.


Express the oils from a lemon twist and discard.

Amber Room

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