Black FeatherBy The Cocktails Must FlowCreated in 2000 by Robert Hess of the DrinkBoy website.Cock N’ Bull SpecialBy The Cocktails Must FlowCreated by Jack Morgan at the Cock N' Bull "British-style" pub on Sunset Strip, Hollywood, CA, USA, which was founded in 1937. The cocktail first appeared in Ted Saucier's Bottom's Up in 1951.Polar Vortex MartiniBy The Cocktails Must FlowA vodka martini with Lillet Blanc and Triple Sec.Lillet SourBy The Cocktails Must FlowA simple, yet delicious, Lillet Blanc sour of unknown origin.Gin & Cabinet SourBy The Cocktails Must FlowAn attractive and tasty gin sour with a red wine float.James JoyceBy The Cocktails Must FlowA simple variant of the Oriental[/i] created by Gary "Gaz" Regan in 2001 during a bartender-training seminar. It featured in his 2001 The Joy of Mixology book.GloriaBy The Cocktails Must FlowA variant of the Negroni, created by French actress Marie Glory, who won a prize at a 1929 cocktail competition.Corpse Reviver No. 2By The Cocktails Must FlowThe Corpse Reviver #2, as described in the Savoy Cocktail Book, is the most commonly drunk of the corpse revivers, and consists of equal parts gin, lemon juice, curaçao (commonly Cointreau), Kina Lillet (now usually replaced with Cocchi Americano, as a closer match to Kina Lillet than modern Lillet Blanc), and a dash of absinthe. This is the IBA offiical cocktail which uses Lillet Blanc.Cosmopolitan (DeGroff)By The Cocktails Must FlowA variant of the original Cosmopolitan created by Dale DeGroff in the mid-90s, which has become the modern standard.