The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes
Planter’s PunchBy The Cocktails Must FlowAn official IBA cocktail, the Planter's Punch originated in Jamaica and has a simple rhyme to remember the ingredients; "one of sour, two of sweet, three of strong and four of weak".
The 95thBy The Cocktails Must FlowOur very own cocktail created and named in honour of the 95th Regiment of Foot, which saw honourable service in the Peninsular War and elsewhere, becoming the forerunner of the modern British soldier.
Bahama MamaBy The Cocktails Must FlowA tropical and fruity cocktail ideal for lazy days at the beach.
Rum SourBy The Cocktails Must FlowA simple three-ingredient classic which manages to be both sweet and tart; best made with a quality dark rum.
Gunpowder and SandBy The Cocktails Must FlowA variant of the Blood and Sand which is perfect for Guy Fawkes Night which replaces the Scotch with a gunpowder strength dark rum.
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The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes