Green Puritan

Green Puritan
AuthorThe Cocktails Must FlowDifficultyBeginner
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A variant of the Puritan which switches out the Yellow Chartreuse for green.

 60 ml (2 oz) Plymouth Gin
 30 ml (½ oz) dry vermouth
 10 ml (⅓ oz) Green Chartreuse
 3 dashes orange bitters

Half-fill a cocktail shaker with ice.


Add all ingredients and shake until well-chilled.


Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

AI generated anecdote for article length

The cool, crisp air of early autumn crept through the window as Nathan prepared for another evening of cocktails with his friends. The soft glow of the fireplace filled the room, giving it that warm, cozy ambiance perfect for the season. Nathan had been thinking about tonight’s drink all week—something unique, bold, and fitting for the fall mood. He’d settled on a twist of one of his recent favorites: the Green Puritan.

“Alright, I’ve got something different for you all tonight,” Nathan announced, standing behind his bar cart, where bottles of carefully selected spirits sat waiting. His friends, lounging in chairs and on the couch, turned their attention toward him. “We’re doing a Green Puritan—same kind of base as the classic, but with a bit more punch thanks to the Green Chartreuse,” he said, flashing a grin. Sarah, always the first to get excited about a new drink, raised an eyebrow. “Green Chartreuse? You’re really going all in on the herbs tonight, huh?”

Nathan chuckled as he reached for the Plymouth Gin, his go-to for its smooth, balanced flavor. “You know it. The gin will ground it, but the Green Chartreuse is going to give it a wild, herbal kick. Trust me, it’s perfect for this time of year.” He poured a generous measure of Plymouth Gin into the shaker, the clean, botanical notes filling the air. “This gin is the foundation,” Nathan explained. “It’s smooth, a little less punchy than other gins, which is why it plays well with everything else in the drink.”

Next came the Green Chartreuse, the star of the show. Nathan held the bottle up briefly, the dark green liquid inside glowing in the light. “This stuff is intense,” he said, pouring it into the shaker with a measured hand. “It’s got 130 herbs and spices in it, so we’re talking serious complexity.” As the green liqueur mixed with the gin, the herbal aroma started to fill the room, and Sarah leaned forward, intrigued.

Then, Nathan reached for the dry vermouth. “This keeps things from getting too wild,” he explained as he poured it into the mix. “The vermouth brings balance—keeps the herbal notes from taking over and adds a nice, dry finish to the drink.” With that, he added a few dashes of orange bitters, the final touch. “And the bitters,” Nathan said, holding the small bottle up, “give it that bright, citrusy edge that ties everything together.”

He capped the shaker, then gave it a good, vigorous shake. The sound of ice clinking against metal punctuated the room, mixing with the soft hum of conversation as everyone waited in anticipation. After a few more shakes, Nathan stopped, feeling the cold condensation on the shaker. “Now we’re ready,” he said, his voice full of confidence.

He strained the mixture into a waiting cocktail glass, the pale green liquid gleaming in the soft light. Nathan admired the drink for a second before sliding it toward Sarah, the first to taste. “Here we go—the Green Puritan,” he said with a grin. She took the glass, eyeing the color before lifting it to her nose. The scent of herbs, citrus, and gin mixed together in a way that hinted at something both familiar and new.

Sarah took a sip, her eyes widening immediately. “Oh wow,” she said, pausing for a moment. “This is incredible. It’s bright and crisp, but those herbal flavors... they just keep building. I love how the orange bitters cut through at the end.”

The rest of the group quickly followed, each taking their turn to try the drink. Tom, who usually preferred whiskey, took a cautious sip and nodded in approval. “I wasn’t sure about the Chartreuse,” he said, “but this is great. It’s bold but still smooth, and the bitters really pull it all together.”

As more rounds of the Green Puritan were shaken and served, the room grew even cozier, the fire casting shadows across the walls as the conversation deepened. The drink, with its perfect balance of gin, herbs, and citrus, felt like an ideal companion to the cool autumn evening. Nathan leaned back in his chair, watching his friends enjoy the cocktail, feeling a sense of satisfaction at how well it had turned out.

By the end of the night, the Green Puritan had become the undisputed favorite. Its rich, layered flavors and the unique twist of Green Chartreuse made it a cocktail that felt both seasonal and special. As Nathan shook up one final round, he couldn’t help but smile, knowing that this drink, like the evening itself, would be remembered long after the last glass was empty.


 60 ml (2 oz) Plymouth Gin
 30 ml (½ oz) dry vermouth
 10 ml (⅓ oz) Green Chartreuse
 3 dashes orange bitters



Half-fill a cocktail shaker with ice.


Add all ingredients and shake until well-chilled.


Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Green Puritan

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