
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time3 mins

Created by Andrew Bohrer from Mistral Kitchen in Seattle, USA, it uses Spanish Fino Sherry, Italian Ameretto, Creole Bitters from the USA and French absinthe, all under a French name which means "bowling"

 75 ml Fino Sherry
 30 ml amaretto
 2 dashes Peychaud's Creole Bitters
 1 dash absinthe
 Maraschino cherry for garnish

Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add the sherry, amaretto and bitters and stir until well chilled.


Strain into a Nick and Nora glass.


Carefully float a dash of absinthe on top of the glass.


Garnish with a maraschino cherry.


AI generated anecdote for article length

The two friends, Sarah and Michael, were at their favorite bar, The Blind Pig, enjoying a leisurely evening. They had just finished a delicious dinner, and they were now ready for a drink.

"What should we have?" asked Sarah.

"I don't know," said Michael. "I'm up for anything."

"Well, I'm feeling adventurous," said Sarah. "Let's try something new."

Sarah and Michael looked at the menu and saw a cocktail called the "Pétanque". They had never heard of it before, but it sounded interesting.

"What's in it?" asked Michael.

"Spanish Fino Sherry, Italian Ameretto, Creole Bitters from the USA and French absinthe," said the bartender. "It's a unique cocktail, but it's very good."

"I'm in," said Sarah.

"Me too," said Michael.

The bartender made the drinks and handed them to Sarah and Michael. They took a sip and their eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow," said Sarah. "This is delicious!"

"I know, right?" said Michael. "It's so smooth and complex."

Sarah and Michael finished their Pétanque cocktails and ordered another round. They talked and laughed, and they savored the unique flavor of the cocktail.

"I'm so glad we tried this," said Sarah. "It's my new favorite drink."

"Me too," said Michael. "I'm definitely going to be ordering this again."

As the night went on, Sarah and Michael finished their second round of Pétanque cocktails and ordered a third round. They were having such a good time, and they didn't want the night to end.

"I'm so grateful for your friendship," said Sarah at one point.

"Me too," said Michael. "You're the best friend a guy could ask for."

Sarah and Michael raised their glasses in a toast.

"To friendship," they both said.

They drank, and then they sat in silence for a while, simply enjoying each other's company.

After a while, Michael got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, he had a tray with two new Pétanque cocktails.

"I figured we could use another round," he said.

Sarah smiled and accepted the drink.

"To the good times," said Michael.

"To the good times," Sarah echoed.

They clinked glasses and drank.

Sarah and Michael continued to talk and laugh for the rest of the evening. They enjoyed their Pétanque cocktails, each other's company, and the feeling of camaraderie that came from being with their closest friend.

As the night went on, the bar started to empty out. Sarah and Michael realized that they were the only ones left.

"I guess it's time to go," said Sarah.

"Yeah," said Michael. "It's getting late."

"I'm glad we had this evening," said Sarah.

"Me too," said Michael.

The friends finished their Pétanque cocktails and stood up. They put on their coats and hats, and then they headed out into the night.

As they walked down the street, they talked about how much they had enjoyed the evening. They also talked about how lucky they were to have each other in their lives.

"I'm so grateful for my friend," said Sarah.

"Me too," said Michael. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world."


 75 ml Fino Sherry
 30 ml amaretto
 2 dashes Peychaud's Creole Bitters
 1 dash absinthe
 Maraschino cherry for garnish



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add the sherry, amaretto and bitters and stir until well chilled.


Strain into a Nick and Nora glass.


Carefully float a dash of absinthe on top of the glass.


Garnish with a maraschino cherry.


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