Pink Gin & Tonic

Pink Gin & Tonic
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A tall variant of the Pink Gin, ideal for lazy summer days in the garden.

 50 ml (1⅔ oz) London Dry Gin
 125 ml (4⅙ oz) tonic water
 3 dashes Angostura Aromatic Bitters

Fill a tall glass with ice.


Add the gin and Angostura Aromatic Bitters.


Top off with tonic water and stir gently.

AI generated anecdote for article length

It was one of those perfect summer evenings, where the air was warm but not oppressive, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming gardenias from Emily’s backyard. She had invited her closest friends over for an impromptu gathering, the kind where no one had anywhere else to be and the night stretched ahead, full of possibilities. As the sky shifted into hues of pink and orange, Emily stood in her kitchen, ready to prepare something special for the occasion—her signature Pink Gin & Tonic.

Emily had first discovered the drink during a weekend trip to London the previous year. While sitting in a cozy, dimly lit pub, the bartender had offered her this classic cocktail, a slightly bitter twist on the traditional gin and tonic. The blend of London Dry Gin with a few dashes of Angostura Aromatic Bitters created a distinctive rosy hue, which gave the drink its name. The flavor was a perfect balance of crisp and complex—refreshing for warm weather but with enough depth to make each sip feel like something more. It had quickly become her go-to drink for summer evenings, and tonight was no exception.

Her friends were already lounging on the patio, laughing and catching up, and Emily could hear snippets of their conversation through the open window. She smiled to herself as she gathered the ingredients. The simplicity of the Pink Gin & Tonic was part of its charm—just three ingredients: London Dry Gin, tonic water, and Angostura Bitters. Yet, the result was always more than the sum of its parts.

Emily reached for her highball glasses and lined them up on the counter. She filled each glass with ice, appreciating the sound of the cubes cracking as they hit the sides. The ice shimmered in the light, ready to cool the concoction she was about to mix. First, she uncapped the bottle of London Dry Gin, pouring a generous measure into each glass. The gin was clear and crisp, carrying the unmistakable aroma of juniper with faint citrus notes that always made her think of sunlit gardens and leisurely afternoons.

Next came the bitters. Emily carefully dashed a few drops of Angostura Aromatic Bitters into each glass, watching as the amber liquid slowly swirled through the gin, leaving behind a pale pink trail. The transformation was subtle but beautiful, and she always loved how something so small—just a few drops—could change the entire character of the drink.

Finally, she reached for the tonic water, pouring it gently over the mixture. The tonic fizzed as it met the ice, blending with the gin and bitters to form the final layer of the cocktail. The drinks now had that signature pinkish hue, a delicate blush that seemed to capture the last colors of the fading sunset. Emily gave each glass a quick stir, then picked up the tray to carry outside.

"Drinks are ready!" she called out as she stepped onto the patio. Her friends turned toward her, intrigued by the pale pink beverages she carried. "What’s this?" asked Rachel, eyeing the glasses with curiosity.

"Pink Gin & Tonic," Emily replied with a smile, handing the drinks around. "It’s a little twist on the classic. Trust me, you’ll love it."

Her friends raised their glasses in a toast before taking their first sips. There was a moment of quiet appreciation as they tasted the cool, refreshing cocktail, the bitterness of the Angostura complementing the bright, herbal notes of the gin. Emily watched as their faces lit up in surprise and delight. "This is amazing," Rachel said, taking another sip. "It’s so refreshing but also... I don’t know, complex."

"That’s the bitters," Emily explained. "It gives the drink a little something extra—more depth than your usual gin and tonic."

The group settled back into their chairs, the Pink Gin & Tonics in hand, as the evening deepened around them. The conversation flowed as easily as the drinks, and the laughter grew louder as the stars began to dot the sky. Emily felt a wave of contentment wash over her. There was something about sharing this drink—a cocktail that had become her own little summer tradition—with her closest friends that made the night feel even more special.

As the last light faded from the horizon, Emily took a sip of her own Pink Gin & Tonic, savoring the cool, slightly bitter taste. The night was perfect, the company was warm, and the drink in her hand felt like a reflection of it all—simple yet layered, refreshing yet memorable. Just the way summer evenings were meant to be.


 50 ml (1⅔ oz) London Dry Gin
 125 ml (4⅙ oz) tonic water
 3 dashes Angostura Aromatic Bitters



Fill a tall glass with ice.


Add the gin and Angostura Aromatic Bitters.


Top off with tonic water and stir gently.

Pink Gin & Tonic

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