1st #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 16th December: Princess Mary

Our first cocktail is the Princess Mary, which was created by Scottish bartender Harry MacElhone to celebrate H.R.H. Princess Mary’s marriage to Lord Henry George Charles Lascelles in 1922.

We’ve opted for the original recipe, but Simon Difford has an updated recipe which uses an increased amount (45ml) of dry gin which may be better suited to modern palettes.

Princess Mary

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

Created by Scottish bartender Harry MacElhone to celebrate H.R.H. Princess Mary's marriage to Lord Henry George Charles Lascelles in 1922.

 30 ml dry gin
 30 ml white creme de cacao
 30 ml single cream
 Cocoa powder for garnish


Half fill a cocktail shaker with ice.


Add all ingredients to the shaker and shake until well chilled.


Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


Dust with cocoa powder.

Simon Difford has an updated recipe which uses 45ml dry gin



 30 ml dry gin
 30 ml white creme de cacao
 30 ml single cream
 Cocoa powder for garnish



Half fill a cocktail shaker with ice.


Add all ingredients to the shaker and shake until well chilled.


Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


Dust with cocoa powder.

Princess Mary

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