1st #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 8th March: Yellow Negroni

Our first cocktail is the Yellow Negroni, created by Simon Difford in 2017 at the Cabinet Room, London, England, the Yellow Negroni riffs on the Negroni with three of the iconic yellow liqueurs; Yellow Chartreuse, gentian and limoncello.

Yellow Negroni

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

Created by Simon Difford in 2017 at the Cabinet Room, London, England, the Yellow Negroni riffs on the Negroni with three of the iconic yellow liqueurs; Yellow Chartreuse, gentian and limoncello.

 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Pisco
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) white vermouth
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Yellow Chartreuse
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Gentian Liqueur (Suze)
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Limoncello
 Lemon twist for garnish


Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice.


Garnish with a lemon twist.

AI generated anecdote for article length

It was a crisp autumn evening when Greg decided to host a dinner party for his closest friends. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the city skyline, Greg found himself eager to kick off the evening with a signature cocktail.

Having recently stumbled upon a recipe for a Yellow Negroni, Greg was determined to impress his guests with his newfound mixology skills. With a gleam of excitement in his eyes, he set out to gather the necessary ingredients from his well-stocked bar.

As he meticulously measured out the Pisco, White Vermouth, Yellow Chartreuse, Suze Gentian Liqueur, and Limoncello, Greg couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. Each ingredient held a unique flavor profile, promising to blend together harmoniously in the cocktail shaker.

With the ingredients assembled, Greg began the intricate process of crafting the Yellow Negroni. He poured the Pisco, followed by the White Vermouth, into the shaker, marveling at the way the liquids intermingled. Next came the Yellow Chartreuse, its vibrant hue adding a pop of color to the mix.

With a steady hand, Greg added a splash of Suze Gentian Liqueur, savoring the herbal notes that wafted up from the shaker. Finally, he poured in a generous amount of Limoncello, the citrusy aroma instantly invigorating his senses.

As he sealed the shaker and gave it a vigorous shake, Greg couldn't help but feel a sense of pride wash over him. He was about to introduce his friends to a cocktail unlike any they had tasted before.

With a flourish, Greg strained the mixture into tumblers filled with ice, each glass gleaming in the soft light of the room. He carefully garnished each cocktail with a twist of lemon, the vibrant yellow peel adding a touch of elegance to the presentation.

As his friends gathered around the table, their eyes lit up with anticipation as Greg presented them with their drinks. With a knowing smile, he raised his own glass in a silent toast before taking a sip.

The first sip of the Yellow Negroni was nothing short of sublime. The flavors danced across Greg's palate, each ingredient distinct yet perfectly balanced. He watched with delight as his friends took their own sips, their expressions morphing into expressions of sheer delight.

As the evening unfolded, laughter filled the air as Greg's friends marveled at his mixology skills. The Yellow Negroni had become an instant hit, its bright and refreshing taste serving as the perfect prelude to an unforgettable dinner.

As the night drew to a close, Greg couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over him. His impromptu cocktail experiment had been a resounding success, leaving his friends eager for more.

With a promise to recreate the Yellow Negroni at their next gathering, Greg bid his guests farewell, already looking forward to the next opportunity to showcase his newfound passion for mixology.


 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Pisco
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) white vermouth
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Yellow Chartreuse
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Gentian Liqueur (Suze)
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Limoncello
 Lemon twist for garnish



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice.


Garnish with a lemon twist.

Yellow Negroni

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