The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes
Safe WordBy The Cocktails Must FlowA variant of the Last Word, created by Matt Lofink at Cure in New Orleans, USA, in 2022, which replaces maraschino cherry liqueur with white creme de cacao.
BansheeBy The Cocktails Must FlowA creamy chocolate banana cocktail of unknown origin, which as popular in the 1980s and 1990s.
Barbary CoastBy The Cocktails Must FlowA sooth Scotch and gin cream cocktail, of unknown providence, with a hint of chocolate.
19thBy The Cocktails Must FlowThe 19threated by Manmohan Singh, India, PCO, New Delhi, India for the Bacardi Legacy Global Cocktail Competition 2014 where it was one of the eight finalists.
Purple DreamBy The Cocktails Must FlowA simple, yet delicious, black raspberry and cream cocktail.
Easter CocktailBy The Cocktails Must FlowCreated by Simon King at MJU Bat, Millennium Hotel, London, in 2003.
Fairy CreamBy The Cocktails Must FlowA creamy, chocolatey, indulgent after-dinner cocktail created by Dick Bradsell, London, in 2010, which includes absinthe.
AlexanderBy The Cocktails Must FlowThe Alexander is a creamy cocktail which dates back to approximately 1915, appearing in Recipes for Mixed Drinks by Hugo Ensslin in 1916.
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The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes