2nd #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 26th April: Absinthe Spider Highball

Our second cocktail is the Absinthe Spider Highball, a refreshing absinthe and ginger highball cocktail.

Absinthe Spider Highball

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A refreshing highball cocktail which combines absinthe and ginger ale.

 15 ml (½ oz) absinthe
 2 dashes Angostura Aromatic Bitters
 120 ml (4 oz) ginger ale
 Lime wedge for garnish


Fill a highball glass with ice.


Add the absinthe and aromatic bitters.


Top off with ginger ale.


Garnish with a lime wedge.

AI generated anecdote for article length

It was a humid summer night, the kind that clings to your skin like a warm embrace. In a quaint neighborhood on the outskirts of town, a group of friends had gathered on the spacious patio of Mark's house, seeking refuge from the sweltering heat. With the stars twinkling overhead and the soft glow of string lights illuminating their faces, they settled into their chairs, content to while away the hours in each other's company.

Among them was Alex, a man with a knack for concocting cocktails that bordered on legendary. His friends often joked that he had a secret potion up his sleeve for every occasion, and tonight was no exception. As the night wore on and the conversation flowed freely, Alex felt inspired to whip up something special to mark the occasion.

"Friends," Alex announced, raising his glass in a toast, "Tonight, let us celebrate the bonds that unite us, the laughter that sustains us, and the memories that we hold dear."

His words were met with nods of agreement and murmurs of approval as the group raised their glasses in unison. With a smile, Alex set to work, weaving his magic behind the makeshift bar that had been set up on the patio.

With a deft hand, he poured a measure of absinthe into each highball glass, the heady aroma wafting through the air like a siren's call. Next came a few dashes of Angostura Aromatic Bitters, adding a depth of flavor that would tantalize the taste buds. Finally, he topped off each glass with a generous pour of ginger ale, the effervescent liquid bubbling merrily as it mingled with the other ingredients.

With a flourish, Alex garnished each drink with a wedge of lime, the vibrant green contrasting beautifully with the golden hue of the liquid below. As he passed the cocktails out to his friends, their eyes lit up with anticipation, eager to sample his latest creation.

With the first sip, a chorus of appreciation rose up from the group, the flavors dancing across their tongues in a symphony of taste. The combination of absinthe, bitters, and ginger ale was nothing short of inspired, each ingredient complementing the others in perfect harmony.

As the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, the conversation grew more animated, punctuated by bursts of laughter and heartfelt confessions. With each clink of their glasses, the bonds of friendship grew stronger, weaving a tapestry of memories that would last a lifetime.

As the first light of dawn began to peek over the horizon, casting a soft glow over the weary but content faces of his friends, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. In that moment, surrounded by the people he held dearest, he knew that he had created something truly special – a cocktail that embodied the spirit of camaraderie and friendship that bound them together.


 15 ml (½ oz) absinthe
 2 dashes Angostura Aromatic Bitters
 120 ml (4 oz) ginger ale
 Lime wedge for garnish



Fill a highball glass with ice.


Add the absinthe and aromatic bitters.


Top off with ginger ale.


Garnish with a lime wedge.

Absinthe Spider Highball

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