1st #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 23rd August: Perfect Negroni

Our first cocktail is the Perfect Negroni. A “perfect” cocktail is one which uses equal proportions of sweet and dry vermouth; the Perfect Negroni is a variant of the classic Negroni which replaces half of the usual sweet vermouth with dry.

Perfect Negroni

Yields1 Serving

A "perfect" cocktail is one which uses equal proportions of sweet and dry vermouth; the Perfect Negroni is a variant of the classic Negroni which replaces half of the usual sweet vermouth with dry.

 30 ml (1 oz) London Dry Gin
 30 ml (1 oz) Campari
 15 ml (½ oz) sweet vermouth
 15 ml (½ oz) dry vermouth
 Orange wheel for garnish


Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice.


Garnish with an orange wheel.

AI generated anecdote for article length

On a warm summer evening, the kind where the sun lingers lazily on the horizon, Jack found himself playing host to a small gathering of friends. His apartment, with its wide windows and breezy balcony, was the perfect setting for a night of stories, laughter, and perhaps most importantly, cocktails. Jack had spent the better part of the afternoon preparing for this night, ensuring every detail was just right—from the carefully curated playlist of soft jazz to the twinkling string lights draped across the balcony. But the highlight of the evening, he promised himself, would be the "Perfect Negroni."

Jack had always been something of a cocktail enthusiast, a man who found joy in the precise balance of flavors. He was especially fond of the Negroni, a drink that, in his opinion, perfectly encapsulated the spirit of summer: bold, bitter, and just a touch sweet. But tonight, he wasn’t content with simply mixing a Negroni. He wanted to craft the perfect one, the kind of cocktail that would make his friends close their eyes with the first sip and let out a contented sigh. And so, he set to work, determined to get it just right.

The key to a great Negroni, Jack knew, was in the balance. With the bar cart set up in the living room, he began by carefully selecting his ingredients: a bottle of London Dry Gin, Campari, and not just one, but two types of vermouth—dry and sweet. The dry vermouth would add a crispness to the cocktail, while the sweet vermouth would bring a smooth, rich depth, creating a layered complexity that would elevate the drink beyond the ordinary.

As his friends mingled on the balcony, chatting about work, summer plans, and the latest Netflix series, Jack carefully measured out each ingredient. He poured the London Dry Gin first, its sharp, juniper notes filling the room as it splashed into the glass. Next came the Campari, its bright red color glowing like a sunset in the glass. Then, with a steady hand, he added equal parts of dry and sweet vermouth, watching as the liquids swirled together, creating a deep, ruby hue.

Jack reached for a tumbler, a sturdy glass that felt cool and reassuring in his hand. He filled it with large, clear ice cubes, each one meticulously prepared earlier in the day to avoid the cloudiness that could dilute the cocktail's appearance. The ice clinked softly as he gently poured the mixture over it, the liquid cascading down the sides of the glass, perfectly chilling the drink without watering it down.

Finally, it was time for the garnish—the piece de resistance that would complete his Perfect Negroni. Jack selected a fresh, ripe orange from the fruit bowl on the counter, slicing a wheel that was thick enough to release its essential oils yet thin enough not to overpower the drink. He ran the orange wheel along the rim of the glass, allowing a few drops of citrus to fall into the cocktail before placing it gently on top of the ice.

Jack stepped back and admired his creation for a moment. The Negroni was more than just a drink; it was a work of art. The colors were vibrant, the layers of flavor perfectly balanced, and the orange garnish added a final touch of summer. With a sense of satisfaction, he carefully carried the glass out to the balcony, where his friends were waiting.

"Here it is," Jack announced, holding up the glass with a grin. "The Perfect Negroni."

His friends gathered around, intrigued by the confident proclamation. One by one, they each took a sip, and as Jack had hoped, their reactions were immediate. Eyes closed, shoulders relaxed, and smiles spread across their faces as the flavors danced on their tongues. The boldness of the gin, the bitterness of the Campari, and the sweet, smooth finish from the vermouth created a harmonious blend that was nothing short of spectacular.

"This is incredible," one of his friends murmured, savoring the taste. "It's like summer in a glass."

Jack smiled, a deep sense of pride welling up inside him. This was exactly the reaction he had hoped for. As the night wore on, with more Negronis being poured and laughter filling the air, Jack couldn’t help but feel that this was indeed the perfect summer evening. He had set out to create a memorable moment for his friends, and with each sip of that Perfect Negroni, he knew he had succeeded.


 30 ml (1 oz) London Dry Gin
 30 ml (1 oz) Campari
 15 ml (½ oz) sweet vermouth
 15 ml (½ oz) dry vermouth
 Orange wheel for garnish



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice.


Garnish with an orange wheel.

Perfect Negroni

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