1st #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 26th April: Brotherhood

Our first cocktail is the Brotherhood, which was created by Charles Joly, co-founder of Crafthouse Cocktails, a bottled cocktail company, which uses Irish and French spirits; the original recipe uses Michael Collins blended Irish whiskey.


Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

The Brotherhood was created by Charles Joly, co-founder of Crafthouse Cocktails, a bottled cocktail company, which uses Irish and French spirits; the original recipe uses Michael Collins blended Irish whiskey.

 45 ml (1½ oz) Irish whiskey
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Benedictine D.O.M
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Grand Marnier
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) freshly squeezed lemon juice
 Lemon peel for garnish


Half-fill a cocktail shaker with ice.


Add all ingredients and shake until well-chilled.


Strain into a cocktail coupe.


Garnish with lemon peel.

AI generated anecdote for article length

It was one of those nights where time seemed to stretch endlessly, as if the universe had forgotten to tick its clock forward. The clock on the wall read 2:00 AM, but the laughter and chatter filling the dimly lit room suggested that no one was quite ready to call it a night just yet. In the heart of the city, tucked away in a cozy apartment, a group of friends gathered around the kitchen island, their spirits high and their energy unwavering.

Among them was Ethan, a man with a passion for mixology that rivaled his love for good company. His friends often joked that he could whip up a cocktail out of thin air, and tonight was no exception. As the conversation ebbed and flowed, Ethan found himself inspired to craft something special for his comrades, something to commemorate the bond they shared.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Ethan announced, "Gentlemen, I propose a toast to our brotherhood. But not just any toast, a toast accompanied by a drink that embodies the essence of camaraderie and adventure."

Curiosity piqued, the group leaned in closer, eager to see what concoction Ethan had in mind. With a flourish, he reached for the array of bottles lining the counter – Irish whiskey, Benedictine, Grand Marnier – each one a testament to his dedication to the craft. With practiced hands, he poured precise measurements of each ingredient into a shaker, adding a generous squeeze of lemon juice for a touch of brightness.

The rhythmic clink of ice cubes filled the air as Ethan shook the concoction with a vigor that bordered on theatrical. With a final flourish, he strained the liquid into chilled coupe glasses, the rich amber hue glinting enticingly in the low light.

"I present to you," Ethan declared with a flourish, "The Brotherhood."

As the first sip of the cocktail touched their lips, a chorus of appreciative murmurs filled the room. The complex blend of flavors danced across their tongues, each ingredient harmonizing with the next in perfect synergy. It was a drink that spoke volumes without the need for words, a testament to the bonds of friendship that united them.

With each subsequent round, the conversation flowed more freely, fueled by the warmth of the whiskey and the shared memories that had brought them together. Laughter rang out like music, echoing off the walls of the cozy apartment as the night stretched on, each moment more cherished than the last.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the windows, casting a soft glow over the tired but content faces of his friends, Ethan couldn't help but smile. In that moment, surrounded by the people he held dearest, he knew that there was nowhere else he'd rather be.


 45 ml (1½ oz) Irish whiskey
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Benedictine D.O.M
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Grand Marnier
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) freshly squeezed lemon juice
 Lemon peel for garnish



Half-fill a cocktail shaker with ice.


Add all ingredients and shake until well-chilled.


Strain into a cocktail coupe.


Garnish with lemon peel.


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