The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes
The Bitter DevilBy The Cocktails Must FlowEveryone should have their own drink, including a bitter devil.
Suffering BastardBy The Cocktails Must FlowThe Suffering Bastard was created in Egypt at the Shepheard's Hotel. Bartender Joe Scialom who was looking to make a hangover drink for allied troops.
Old FashionedBy The Cocktails Must FlowThe old fashioned is a cocktail made by muddling sugar with bitters and water, adding bourbon, and garnishing with orange twist or zest and a cocktail cherry. Developed during the 19th century and given its name in the 1880s, it is an IBA Official Cocktail.
Angry CanadianBy The Cocktails Must FlowA modern twist on classic Old Fashioned was created in 2013 by a man named Steve Johnston in Calgary.
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The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes