The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes
Golden ReignBy The Cocktails Must FlowA light creamy, after dinner drink created by Peter Dorelli at The Savoy Hotel's American Bar, London, in 2002 for Queen Elizabeth II's golden jubilee.
CasinoBy The Cocktails Must FlowThe Casino is an IBA official cocktail; this version of the Casino Cocktail first appears in 1909, in The Reminder (3rd edition) by Jacob A. Didier.
Vermont JackBy The Cocktails Must FlowA great cocktail mixing Gentleman Jack and maple syrup.
Jean HarlowBy The Cocktails Must FlowNamed for the platinum blonde actress who died at the age of 26.
Cherry MartiniBy The Cocktails Must FlowA simple gin based cherry martini.
Perfect MartiniBy The Cocktails Must FlowThis is a variation of the classic Martini and uses equal measures of dry and sweet vermouth.
AffinityBy The Cocktails Must FlowThe Affinity is a Manhattan variation using Scotch whisky.
TuxedoBy The Cocktails Must FlowRelated to the martini, the Tuxedo has had many variations since its inception in the 1880s.
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The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes