Charente White Negroni

Charente White Negroni
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time3 mins

Not just a variant of the Negroni, but also of the White Negroni. It was created by Matthias Lataille and Simon Difford in 2014 at the Cabinet Room in London, England. Half the gin is replaced with Cognac.

 15 ml London Dry Gin
 15 ml Cognac
 30 ml Gentian Liqueur (such as Suze)
 30 ml Lillet Blanc
 Pink grapefruit twist for garnish

Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into an Old Fashioned glass over fresh ice.


Garnish with a link grapefruit twist.


AI generated anecdote for article length

The man, whose name was James, had been a regular at The Blind Pig bar for years. He knew the bartender, Mark, well, and they always had a good conversation.

One evening, James sat down at the bar and ordered a Charente White Negroni. It was a new cocktail that Mark had been making, and James was curious to try it.

Mark made the drink and handed it to James. James took a sip and smiled.

"This is delicious," he said. "What's in it?"

"It's a Negroni, but with cognac instead of half the gin," said Mark. "I call it a Charente White Negroni, because Cognac comes from the Charente region of France."

"It's perfect," said James. "The cognac adds a nice richness to the drink."

James finished his Charente White Negroni and ordered another one. He sipped his drink and thought about his life. He was happy with his career, his friends, and his family. He had everything he could ever want.

James thought about his parents, who had both passed away a few years ago. They had been great parents, and he missed them very much.

James also thought about his best friend, Michael. Michael had been there for him through thick and thin. He was the most loyal friend a man could ask for.

James raised his glass in a toast.

"To my parents," he said. "And to Michael, the best friend a man could ask for."

James drank, and then he sat in silence for a while, thinking about his loved ones.

After a while, James got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, he had a tray with two new Charente White Negronis.

"I figured I could use another one," he said to Mark.

"And I figured you could use some company," said Mark.

Mark sat down on the stool next to James and they started talking. They talked about everything and nothing. They talked about their work, their families, and their dreams for the future.

James and Mark talked for hours. They laughed and they cried. They supported each other and they offered each other advice.

By the end of the night, James and Mark were both a little drunk, but they were also happy and content. They had shared a special evening together, and they had bonded on a deeper level.

James finished his Charente White Negroni and stood up.

"I should probably go home," he said. "It's getting late."

"Me too," said Mark.

James and Mark shook hands and said goodbye. James walked out of the bar and into the night.

As he walked home, James thought about the evening he had shared with Mark. He was grateful for his friend, and he was grateful for the Charente White Negroni. It was the perfect drink for a special occasion.


 15 ml London Dry Gin
 15 ml Cognac
 30 ml Gentian Liqueur (such as Suze)
 30 ml Lillet Blanc
 Pink grapefruit twist for garnish



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into an Old Fashioned glass over fresh ice.


Garnish with a link grapefruit twist.

Charente White Negroni

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