Greta Garbo

Greta Garbo
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

Named after famed Hollywood actress, Greta Garbo, the origins of this cocktail are unknown. It was included in David A. Embury's 1948 Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. The Greta Garbo is a clean variant of the Daquiri with notes of aniseed and maraschino cherry.

 60 ml (2 oz) white rum
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) maraschino liqueur
 15 ml (½ oz) sugar syrup
 30 ml (1 oz) freshly squeezed lime juice
 5 ml (⅙ oz) absinthe (or other anise liqueur)
 Star anise for garnish

Half-fill a cocktail shaker with ice.


Add all ingredients and shake until well-chilled.


Strain into a chilled coupe glass.


Float a star anise on top of the drink.

AI generated anecdote for article length

It was a balmy summer evening, and the scent of jasmine hung heavy in the air as a group of friends gathered on the terrace of a chic urban apartment. The sky above was awash with shades of pink and orange, the last vestiges of the setting sun casting a warm glow over the city skyline. Among the guests was Michael, a seasoned mixologist known for his creative flair and his uncanny ability to concoct the perfect cocktail for any occasion.

As the night wore on and the stars began to twinkle overhead, Michael decided it was time to treat his friends to something special. With a mischievous grin, he disappeared into the kitchen, returning moments later with a gleaming cocktail shaker and an array of bottles filled with an assortment of spirits and liqueurs.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, "prepare to be dazzled by the Greta Garbo."

Curiosity piqued, the group watched intently as Michael set to work, his hands moving with the precision of a master craftsman. He began by filling the shaker with ice, the cubes clinking together merrily as they tumbled into the metal vessel. Next came the white rum, its sweet, floral notes promising a taste of the tropics even in the heart of the city. Then came the maraschino liqueur, a hint of cherry adding a touch of sophistication to the mix.

With a deft hand, Michael added a splash of sugar syrup, its golden hue glistening in the fading light. A squeeze of fresh lime juice followed, its tartness offsetting the sweetness of the other ingredients with a burst of citrusy brightness. Finally, he reached for the bottle of aniseed liqueur, its heady aroma filling the air with a tantalizing blend of spice and licorice.

With a flourish, Michael sealed the shaker and began to shake, his movements rhythmic and fluid. As he worked, he regaled his friends with tales of the cocktail's namesake, the enigmatic Greta Garbo—a Hollywood icon known for her timeless elegance and her air of mystery.

Legend had it that the Greta Garbo cocktail had been created especially for the actress during her heyday in the 1930s, a tribute to her exotic allure and her penchant for the finer things in life. With each shake of the shaker, Michael brought the glamour of old Hollywood to life, his stories weaving a spell over his captivated audience.

Finally, satisfied with his efforts, Michael strained the cocktail into chilled coupe glasses, the liquid shimmering in the soft glow of the terrace lights. With a flourish, he garnished each glass with a delicate star anise, its fragrant aroma adding the perfect finishing touch to the drink.

"To beauty, mystery, and the magic of the silver screen," Michael declared, raising his glass in a toast.

The group echoed his sentiment, their glasses clinking together in a chorus of celebration. As they took their first sips of the Greta Garbo, they were met with a symphony of flavors—sweet and spicy, with hints of citrus and licorice dancing across their palates.

As the night wore on and the laughter flowed freely, the friends savored every moment, their spirits buoyed by the heady concoction in their glasses and the warmth of each other's company. In that moment, surrounded by good friends and the magic of the city at night, they knew that they were experiencing something truly special—a taste of the glamorous world of Greta Garbo, brought to life in their own little corner of the world.


 60 ml (2 oz) white rum
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) maraschino liqueur
 15 ml (½ oz) sugar syrup
 30 ml (1 oz) freshly squeezed lime juice
 5 ml (⅙ oz) absinthe (or other anise liqueur)
 Star anise for garnish



Half-fill a cocktail shaker with ice.


Add all ingredients and shake until well-chilled.


Strain into a chilled coupe glass.


Float a star anise on top of the drink.

Greta Garbo

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