Kentucky Kiss

Kentucky Kiss
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time3 mins

A tantalizing strawberry and bourbon cocktail (best with Maker's Mark), perfect for Valentine's Day.

 60 ml bourbon
 15 ml lemon juice
 15 ml maple syrup
 Splash of sparkling water
 3 large strawberries

In a tumbler, muddle two of the strawberries along with the lemon juice and maple syrup until the strawberries are mashed (slicing them first will help).


Add the bourbon and fill the glass with ice.


Add a splash of sparkling water and garnish with the remaining strawberry.



 60 ml bourbon
 15 ml lemon juice
 15 ml maple syrup
 Splash of sparkling water
 3 large strawberries



In a tumbler, muddle two of the strawberries along with the lemon juice and maple syrup until the strawberries are mashed (slicing them first will help).


Add the bourbon and fill the glass with ice.


Add a splash of sparkling water and garnish with the remaining strawberry.

Kentucky Kiss

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