
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A hugely popular cocktail in Scotland, created by Ross McGregor in Glasgow, 2008. As the orange juice and Blue WKD mix, the drink turns an eye-catching green.

 25 ml (⅚ oz) vodka
 25 ml (⅚ oz) Southern Comfort
 275 ml (9 oz) Blue WKD
 Freshly squeezed orange juice to top off.

Fill a pint glass with ice.


Add the vodka and Southern Comfort.


Add the Blue WKD.


Top off with the freshly squeezed orange juice and watch the green emerge.

AI generated anecdote for article length

It was a cozy evening in the quaint suburban neighborhood where Mark resided. He had invited a few close friends over for a casual dinner party. As the night progressed and the plates were cleared away, Mark decided it was time to showcase his mixology skills.

Gathering everyone around the kitchen island, Mark grinned mischievously as he reached for his array of spirits and mixers. "Who's up for a little post-dinner cocktail adventure?" he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

His friends, intrigued by the prospect, eagerly nodded in agreement. Mark began by filling a pint glass with ice, the clinking sound echoing in the room.

"Now, brace yourselves, folks," Mark announced dramatically, holding up a bottle of vodka like a magician revealing his grand finale. "We're about to dive into the depths of flavor with my special creation - the Venom cocktail."

The anticipation in the room was palpable as Mark expertly measured out the ingredients, each one contributing its own unique element to the concoction.

First came the vodka, its clear liquid pouring smoothly into the glass. Mark's hands moved with precision as he added a generous splash of Southern Comfort, infusing the mixture with a hint of sweetness and warmth.

Next up was the freshly squeezed orange juice, its vibrant color adding a burst of freshness to the mix. Mark squeezed the oranges with gusto, relishing in the citrusy aroma that filled the air.

Finally, it was time for the secret ingredient - Blue WKD. With a flourish, Mark uncapped the bottle, the electric blue liquid cascading into the glass like a mesmerizing waterfall.

"And now, for the pièce de résistance," Mark declared, grabbing a long spoon and giving the concoction a vigorous stir. The colors swirled together, creating a hypnotic kaleidoscope of blues, oranges, and hints of amber.

With a satisfied grin, Mark presented the finished cocktail to his eager audience. "Cheers, my friends," he toasted, raising his glass high. "To good company and adventurous spirits."

As they clinked their glasses together, the group took their first sips of the Venom cocktail. The flavors exploded on their tongues, each ingredient harmonizing perfectly to create a symphony of taste.

Laughter and chatter filled the room as they savored their drinks, the Venom cocktail becoming an instant hit among Mark's friends.

Throughout the night, as glasses were emptied and refilled, the camaraderie only grew stronger, fueled by the shared experience of Mark's creative concoction.

As the evening drew to a close and the last drops of Venom were consumed, Mark couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Not only had he treated his friends to a memorable cocktail adventure, but he had also brought them closer together through the simple pleasure of good drinks and great company.

And as they bid farewell and promised to do it all again soon, Mark couldn't help but wonder what other cocktail creations awaited them in the future.


 25 ml (⅚ oz) vodka
 25 ml (⅚ oz) Southern Comfort
 275 ml (9 oz) Blue WKD
 Freshly squeezed orange juice to top off.



Fill a pint glass with ice.


Add the vodka and Southern Comfort.


Add the Blue WKD.


Top off with the freshly squeezed orange juice and watch the green emerge.


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