White Russian

White Russian
AuthorThe Cocktails Must FlowCategory, , DifficultyBeginner
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

The Oxford English Dictionary refers to the first mention of white Russian in the sense of a cocktail as appearing in California's Oakland Tribune on November 21, 1965. It was placed in the newspaper as an insert: "White Russian. 1 oz. each Southern, vodka, cream", with "Southern" referring to Coffee Southern, a short-lived brand of coffee liqueur by Southern Comfort.

The white Russian saw a surge in popularity after the 1998 release of the film The Big Lebowski. Throughout the movie, it appears as the beverage of choice for the protagonist, Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski. On a number of occasions he refers to the drink as a "Caucasian".

White Russian (cocktail) - from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 50 ml vodka
 20 ml coffee liqueur
 30 ml single cream

Add ice to a lowball/tumbler.


Pour vodka and coffee liqueur over the ice.


Flat the cream on top and stir gently.



 50 ml vodka
 20 ml coffee liqueur
 30 ml single cream



Add ice to a lowball/tumbler.


Pour vodka and coffee liqueur over the ice.


Flat the cream on top and stir gently.

White Russian

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