1st #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 22nd September: Cheeky Negroni

Our first cocktail is the Cheeky Negroni; a fragant and well-balanced variant of the Negroni which uses equal parts London Dry Gin, Aperol and Lillet Blanc. .

This is just one of the Negroni variants which we have made.

Cheeky Negroni

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A fragant and well-balanced variant of the Negroni which uses equal parts London Dry Gin, Aperol and Lillet Blanc.

 30 ml London Dry Gin
 30 ml Aperol
 30 ml Lillet Blanc
 Grapefruit twist for garnish


Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add the London dry gin, Aperol and Lillet Blanc.


Stir gently until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over an ice block.


Twist the grapefruit peel over the glass to express the oils and place in it in the glass.


AI generated anecdote for article length

Two friends, Sarah and Emily, sat at the kitchen table, nursing their Cheeky Negronis. They had been friends since college, and they had shared countless secrets over the years. But tonight, as they sipped their cocktails, they were feeling particularly close.

"So," Sarah said, taking a sip of her Negroni, "what's new?"

Emily sighed. "Well, I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life," she said. "I know I don't want to stay in my current job, but I don't know what else I'm good at."

"That's okay," Sarah said. "It's normal to feel lost sometimes. Just take your time and explore your options."

"I'm trying," Emily said. "But it's hard. I feel like everyone else has their life all figured out."

"No one has their life all figured out," Sarah said. "We're all just winging it."

They sat in silence for a moment, sipping their Negronis.

"So," Emily said, breaking the silence, "what about you? What's new in your life?"

Sarah smiled. "Well, I'm actually really happy with where I'm at right now," she said. "I love my job, and I'm in a great relationship."

"That's awesome," Emily said. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks," Sarah said. "But I do have one thing that's been on my mind lately."

"What's that?" Emily asked.

"I'm thinking about having kids," Sarah said.

Emily's eyes widened. "Really?" she asked. "That's big news!"

"I know," Sarah said. "It's something I've been thinking about for a long time. I'm just not sure if I'm ready yet."

"Well, you don't have to be sure right away," Emily said. "It's a big decision. Just take your time and think about what you want."

"I know," Sarah said. "But I'm getting older, and I don't want to wait too long."

"You're only 30," Emily said. "You have plenty of time."

Sarah laughed. "Thanks, but it doesn't feel that way sometimes."

They sat in silence for a moment, thinking about what Sarah had said.

"So," Emily said, finally, "what do you think you're going to do?"

"I don't know yet," Sarah said. "I'm still figuring it out."

"Well, whatever you decide, I'm here for you," Emily said. "You know that."

Sarah smiled. "Thanks," she said. "I know that."

They finished their Negronis and talked for a while longer. They talked about their hopes and dreams for the future, and they shared their fears and insecurities. By the end of the night, they felt closer than ever.

As Sarah was getting ready to leave, she turned to Emily and said, "I'm so glad I have you in my life."

"Me too," Emily said. "You're the best friend a girl could ask for."

They hugged each other goodbye, and Sarah went home.

As she drove home, Sarah thought about what Emily had said. She was right. Sarah didn't have to be sure about everything in her life right away. She could just take her time and figure it out as she went.

Sarah smiled. She knew that she was lucky to have Emily as a friend. Emily was always there for her, no matter what. And that meant the world to Sarah.


 30 ml London Dry Gin
 30 ml Aperol
 30 ml Lillet Blanc
 Grapefruit twist for garnish



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add the London dry gin, Aperol and Lillet Blanc.


Stir gently until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over an ice block.


Twist the grapefruit peel over the glass to express the oils and place in it in the glass.

Cheeky Negroni

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