1st #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 15th September: Unusual Negroni

Our first cocktail is the Unusual Negroni, which was created by Charlotte Voisey, USA., for Hendrick’s Gin in 2011. This “unusual” Negroni switches out the usual Campari for the alternative bitter Italian liqueur Aperol and the sweet vermouth for Lillet Blanc.

Unusual Negroni

Yields1 Serving

An unusual Negroni, created by Charlotte Voisey, USA., for Hendrick's Gin in 2011 which replaces the usual Campari with Aperol and the sweet vermouth for Lillet Blanc.

 37 ml London Dry Gin
 30 ml Aperol
 30 ml Lillet Blanc


Pour the gin in to a tumbler, followed by the Lillet Blanc and Aperol.


Add a large ice cube to the glass.


Garnish with an orange twist.


AI generated anecdote for article length

It was a hot summer day in Venice, and two friends, John and Mary, were sitting at a cafe in St. Mark's Square. They were enjoying a drink and people-watching, when John saw a sign for a new cocktail called the "Unusual Negroni."

"What's that?" Mary asked.

"It's a Negroni, but instead of Campari, it uses Aperol," John said. "And it's made with Hendrick's Gin, which is a more floral gin."

"Sounds interesting," Mary said. "Let's try it."

The waiter brought them their drinks, and they took a sip.

"Wow," John said. "This is really good."

"I know, right?" Mary said. "It's sweet and refreshing, but still has a bit of a kick."

They finished their drinks and ordered another round. As they sat there, they talked about their plans for the rest of the day.

"I'm going to go shopping for some souvenirs," Mary said. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure," John said. "But first, let's get one more drink."

They ordered their drinks and continued to talk. They talked about their families, their jobs, and their dreams. They talked for hours, and by the time they finished their drinks, they felt like they had known each other for years.

"I had a really great time," Mary said.

"Me too," John said. "We should do this again sometime."

They exchanged numbers and promised to stay in touch. Then, they went their separate ways.

John and Mary never forgot that day in St. Mark's Square. It was the day they met, the day they shared their first Unusual Negroni, and the day they started a lifelong friendship.


 37 ml London Dry Gin
 30 ml Aperol
 30 ml Lillet Blanc



Pour the gin in to a tumbler, followed by the Lillet Blanc and Aperol.


Add a large ice cube to the glass.


Garnish with an orange twist.

Unusual Negroni

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