3rd #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 6th October: Islay Old Fashioned

Our third and final cocktail is the Islay Old Fashioned. An Old Fashioned[/link] variant created by Simon Difford in 2014. It uses peated Scotch from Islay and Peychaud’s bitters..

We’ve made quite a few Old Fashioned variants since we started.

Islay Old Fashioned

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time3 mins

An Old Fashioned variant created by Simon Difford in 2014. It uses peated Scotch from Islay and Peychaud's bitters.

 75 ml peated Islay Scotch whsiky
 3 dashes creole bitters (such as Peychaud's)
 1 demerara sugar cube


Put three ice cubes (dry to the touch) in an Old Fashioned glass.


Add the peated whisky and stir.


Add the demerara sugar cube and bitters and stir until the sugar dissolves.


Add two more sugar cubes and stir.


AI generated anecdote for article length

Four friends, named Alex, Maria, Ben, and Sarah, were on a trip to Scotland. They were all fans of whisky, and they were excited to try some of the best Islay whisky in the world.

On their second night in Scotland, they went to a whisky bar in the town of Port Ellen. The bar had a wide selection of whiskies, including many from Islay.

"What should we get?" Alex asked.

"How about an Islay Old Fashioned?" Maria suggested. "It's a variant of the Old Fashioned that uses peated Islay whisky and Peychaud's bitters."

"That sounds good to me," Ben said.

"Me too," Sarah said.

They ordered their drinks and sat down at a table by the window. The bar was bustling with activity, and the air was filled with the smell of whisky.

A few minutes later, the bartender brought them their drinks. They were all served in rocks glasses with large ice cubes.

"Cheers!" they said in unison.

They took a sip of their drinks and smiled at each other. The Islay Old Fashioned was delicious. The peaty whisky was perfectly balanced with the sweetness of the sugar and the bitterness of the bitters.

They talked and laughed as they enjoyed their drinks. They talked about their work, their families, and their travels. They also reminisced about their college days and all the fun they had together.

After a while, they finished their drinks and ordered another round. They continued to talk and laugh, and the night flew by.

At one point, Ben suggested that they play a game of whisky trivia. Everyone agreed, and they started taking turns answering questions about whisky. They all knew a lot about whisky, but Alex was the clear winner. He was able to answer every question correctly.

They were all having a great time, and they were laughing so hard that their sides hurt.

Finally, at around 3:00 AM, they decided to call it a night. They were all tired, but they were also happy and content. They had had a wonderful night together, and they had all learned a lot about whisky.

"That was the best night ever," Maria said. "Thanks for taking us to this bar, Alex."

"No problem," Alex said. "I had a great time too."

They hugged each other goodbye and then went home.

The next day, they all woke up with hangovers, but they were all smiling too. They knew that they would never forget their night of Islay Old Fashioned and whisky trivia. It was a night that they would cherish for years to come.


 75 ml peated Islay Scotch whsiky
 3 dashes creole bitters (such as Peychaud's)
 1 demerara sugar cube



Put three ice cubes (dry to the touch) in an Old Fashioned glass.


Add the peated whisky and stir.


Add the demerara sugar cube and bitters and stir until the sugar dissolves.


Add two more sugar cubes and stir.

Islay Old Fashioned

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