1st #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 19th July: Cornwall Negroni

Our first cocktail is the Cornwall Negroni. A Negroni variant, named not for Cornwall in the UK, but for Cornwall-on-Hudson in the USA. Created by Philip Ward in 2006 after attending Gary “Gaz” Regan’s Cocktails in the Country workshop in Cornwall-on-Hudson.

Cornwall Negroni

AuthorThe Cocktails Must FlowCategoryDifficultyBeginner

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A Negroni variant, named not for Cornwall in the UK, but for Cornwall-on-Hudson in the USA. Created by Philip Ward in 2006 after attending Gary "Gaz" Regan's Cocktails in the Country workshop in Cornwall-on-Hudson.

 60 ml London Dry Gin
 15 ml (½ oz) Campari
 15 ml (½ oz) Punt e Mes Vermouth Amaro
 15 ml (½ oz) sweet vermouth
 1 dash orange bitters


Half-fill a mixing jug with ice,


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


Garnish with a flamed orange twist.

If you prefer, you could serve this cocktail in a tumbler over ice like a traditional Negroni.

AI generated anecdote for article length

The summer evening was perfect, with a warm breeze rustling through the old oak trees that shaded the backyard. Samuel, an old man with a twinkle in his eye and a love for fine cocktails, had invited his longtime friends over for one of their regular get-togethers. These nights were a cherished tradition, filled with laughter, reminiscences, and, of course, Samuel’s expertly crafted drinks. Tonight, he planned to introduce them to a Cornwall Negroni, a twist on the classic Negroni, made with dry gin, Campari, Punt E Mes, sweet vermouth, and a dash of orange bitters.

Samuel had always had a knack for mixology, a passion he discovered in his younger years while traveling through Europe. He loved experimenting with flavors and perfecting recipes, and the Cornwall Negroni was one of his latest creations. It promised to be a hit, with its blend of bittersweet and herbal notes, perfect for a warm summer night.

As his friends arrived and settled into the comfortable patio chairs, Samuel set up his bar on an old wooden table that had seen many such evenings. The bottles were neatly arranged: a sleek bottle of dry gin, the vibrant red of Campari, the rich, dark Punt E Mes, and the sweet vermouth, alongside a small bottle of orange bitters. A bowl of large, clear ice cubes sat nearby, ready to chill the drinks.

“Good evening, everyone,” Samuel greeted them with a warm smile. “Tonight, I have a special treat for you. It’s a Cornwall Negroni, a delightful variation of the classic Negroni. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

His friends leaned in with interest, always eager to try Samuel’s latest concoctions. They watched as he began the ritual of making the cocktail, his movements steady and practiced. He started with the dry gin, pouring it into a mixing glass with the precision born of years of experience. Next came the Campari, its bright hue adding a splash of color, followed by the Punt E Mes, which brought a depth of flavor that was both bitter and slightly sweet. He then added the sweet vermouth, enhancing the complexity of the drink, and finally, a few dashes of orange bitters, which added a subtle citrus aroma.

Samuel stirred the mixture with a long-handled bar spoon, watching as the ingredients blended and chilled. He took a moment to savor the aroma before straining the cocktail into the waiting glasses, each one filled with a large ice cube. The final touch was a twist of orange peel, which he deftly expressed over the drink, releasing its fragrant oils before dropping it into the glass.

“To old friends and new memories,” Samuel toasted, raising his glass. His friends echoed the sentiment, clinking their glasses together before taking their first sips.

“Samuel, this is exceptional,” said Robert, his eyes lighting up with appreciation. “The balance of flavors is perfect. It’s bitter, sweet, and incredibly refreshing.”

“I agree,” added Margaret. “The Punt E Mes adds such an interesting twist. This is definitely one of your best, Samuel.”

Samuel smiled, pleased with their reactions. He took a sip himself, enjoying the harmonious blend of flavors. The Cornwall Negroni was indeed a sophisticated and refreshing drink, ideal for a night like this.

The evening continued with lively conversation, laughter, and more rounds of the Cornwall Negroni. The drink seemed to encapsulate the essence of their long-standing friendship, each sip a reminder of the many shared moments and the joy of being together. Samuel’s friends praised his skill and creativity, and he basked in their appreciation, happy to have crafted a drink that enhanced their evening.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky and the sounds of the night grew around them, Samuel felt a deep sense of contentment. These gatherings, filled with warmth, camaraderie, and the perfect cocktail, were the highlights of his life. He knew that nights like these, where everything came together so beautifully, were to be treasured.

By the end of the night, as the last drops of the Cornwall Negroni were savored, Samuel’s friends were already looking forward to their next gathering. They knew that whatever Samuel had in store for them, it would be crafted with love and shared with the same warmth that made their summer nights so special.


 60 ml London Dry Gin
 15 ml (½ oz) Campari
 15 ml (½ oz) Punt e Mes Vermouth Amaro
 15 ml (½ oz) sweet vermouth
 1 dash orange bitters



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice,


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


Garnish with a flamed orange twist.

Cornwall Negroni

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