2nd #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 2nd August: Normandy Flower

Our second cocktail is the Normandy Flower. A refreshing calvados cocktail with a hint of elderflower, which is perfect for a summer evening in the garden. Very similar to the Enderflower and Lemon Gin & Tonic.

Normandy Flower

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time3 mins

A refreshing calvados cocktail with a hint of elderflower, which is perfect for a summer evening in the garden.

 60 ml (2 oz) calvados
 15 ml (½ oz) elderflower liqueur
 10 ml (⅓ oz) freshly squeezed lemon juice
 120 ml (4 oz) tonic water
 Orange peel for garnish


Mix the calvados, elderflower liqueur and lemon juice in the bottom of a highball glass.


Fill the glass with ice and top off with the tonic water.


Express the oils from a piece of orange peel and then garnish the glass with it.

AI generated anecdote for article length

On a serene summer evening, Isabella decided to host an intimate gathering of her closest friends at her charming countryside cottage. Nestled among lush greenery and fragrant blooms, the cottage offered a perfect setting for a relaxed night of good company and refreshing drinks. Isabella had a special surprise planned for her guests: she was going to introduce them to the Normandy Flower, a cocktail she had recently discovered and fallen in love with.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the landscape, Isabella’s friends began to arrive. The air was filled with the sound of cicadas and the sweet scent of honeysuckle. She greeted each guest with a warm hug and a bright smile, leading them to the cozy seating area on the patio. The scene was picturesque, with string lights twinkling overhead and a gentle breeze rustling the leaves.

Isabella, always the gracious host, had arranged a beautifully set table with fresh flowers, candles, and a variety of appetizers. Her friends marveled at the attention to detail and settled into their seats, eager to unwind and catch up. As laughter and conversation filled the air, Isabella made her way to the makeshift bar she had set up. It was a simple wooden table adorned with fresh citrus fruits, a bucket of ice, and an assortment of bottles and glassware.

With a flourish, Isabella called out to her friends, “Who’s ready to try my new favorite cocktail, the Normandy Flower?” The response was enthusiastic, and she began her demonstration. The Normandy Flower was a delightful blend of calvados, elderflower liqueur, tonic water, and lemon juice, creating a drink that was both refreshing and sophisticated.

Isabella started by filling each highball glass with large ice cubes, explaining that this would keep the drink chilled without diluting its flavors too quickly. She then measured out one and a half ounces of calvados, a French apple brandy, and poured it over the ice. The rich, amber liquid glistened in the evening light.

Next, she added half an ounce of elderflower liqueur to each glass. The liqueur’s floral sweetness would complement the tartness of the calvados perfectly. Isabella then squeezed the juice of a fresh lemon, about half an ounce, into each glass, adding a bright, citrusy note to the mix. She topped off the drinks with tonic water, watching as the bubbles danced up to the surface, bringing a refreshing effervescence to the cocktail.

“The final touch,” Isabella said with a smile, “is the orange peel.” She expertly peeled a thin strip of orange zest, careful to avoid the bitter pith, and twisted it over each glass to release its aromatic oils. The zest added a vibrant burst of citrus fragrance, enhancing the overall sensory experience of the cocktail. She then placed the peel into each glass, adding a touch of color and elegance.

Isabella handed the first Normandy Flower to Emily, who took a sip and immediately lit up with delight. “This is fantastic!” Emily exclaimed, “It’s so refreshing and perfectly balanced!” Encouraged by her friend’s reaction, Isabella continued to serve the drinks, each friend taking a moment to appreciate the craft and care that went into making them.

The group settled back into their seats, Normandy Flowers in hand, and the conversation flowed effortlessly. They reminisced about old times, shared their hopes and dreams, and even discussed their latest adventures. The cocktails, with their harmonious blend of floral, fruity, and citrus notes, seemed to mirror the perfect harmony of the evening.

As the night deepened and the stars began to twinkle overhead, Isabella felt a deep sense of contentment. She watched her friends, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the string lights, and felt grateful for the moments they shared. The Normandy Flower had been a resounding success, but more importantly, the evening had brought them all closer together. It was a night to remember, filled with joy, camaraderie, and the simple pleasure of enjoying a well-crafted cocktail under the summer sky.


 60 ml (2 oz) calvados
 15 ml (½ oz) elderflower liqueur
 10 ml (⅓ oz) freshly squeezed lemon juice
 120 ml (4 oz) tonic water
 Orange peel for garnish



Mix the calvados, elderflower liqueur and lemon juice in the bottom of a highball glass.


Fill the glass with ice and top off with the tonic water.


Express the oils from a piece of orange peel and then garnish the glass with it.

Normandy Flower

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