The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes
ContessaBy The Cocktails Must FlowA sweeter Negroni variant, which replaces the Campari for Aperol and uses dry vermouth in place of sweet, attributed to John Gertsen, Drink Bar, Boston, USA.
Sloe ScrewBy The Cocktails Must FlowAlso known as the "Slow Screw", this is a variant of the Scredriver which adds a shot of sloe gin.
Harvey WallbangerBy The Cocktails Must FlowThe Harvey Wallbanger is a variant of the Screwdriver, created in 1969 by the McKesson Imports Company, which enjoyed popularity in the 1970s. This cocktail benefits from using freshly squeezed orange juice.
EnzoniBy The Cocktails Must FlowA summer Negroni variant created by Vincenzo Errico in 2001 at Match in London, England.
Old ‘GroniBy The Cocktails Must FlowA simple variant of the Negroni which switches out the London Dry Gin for Old Tom Gin.
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The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes