The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes
St George & the DragonBy The Cocktails Must FlowA cocktail of unknown origin, but perfect for St George's Day.
Peat’s DragonBy The Cocktails Must FlowAn unusual smokey/peppery cocktail using both peated whiskey and black pepper. Possibly originated at The Up & Up, New York City.
Winterised NegroniBy The Cocktails Must FlowA rare combination of Scotch and gin which combines with sweet vermouth and Campari into a delicious winter Negroni.
Islay Old FashionedBy The Cocktails Must FlowAn Old Fashioned variant created by Simon Difford in 2014. It uses peated Scotch from Islay and Peychaud's bitters.
The Cocktails Must FlowCocktail Recipes