Winterised Negroni

Winterised Negroni
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A rare combination of Scotch and gin which combines with sweet vermouth and Campari into a delicious winter Negroni.

 30 ml (1oz) London Dry Gin
 22.50 ml (¾oz) Campari
 22.50 ml (¾oz)sweet vermouth
 ½ tsp peated Scotch whisky

Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a Nick and Nora glass.


AI generated anecdote for article length

As the first autumn chill seeped into the air, casting long shadows across the quaint stone cottages of Otterburn, a group of friends gathered in the warmth of a cozy living room, drawn by the promise of an evening filled with laughter, conversation, and of course, exceptional cocktails.

Amidst the flickering flames of the fireplace, their host, a man named James, with a passion for mixology and a flair for the dramatic, prepared to unveil his latest creation – the "Winderised Negroni," a twist on the classic cocktail that embodied the essence of the changing season.

With practiced hands, James reached for a bottle of Tanqueray Rangpur gin, its ruby red hue hinting at the citrusy zest that lay within. To this, he added a generous measure of Campari, its bittersweet notes promising to awaken the taste buds.

The star of the show, however, was a teaspoon of peated Islay single malt Scotch whisky, its smoky, iodine-laced aroma filling the room with an air of anticipation. This unexpected addition would transform the familiar Negroni into a symphony of flavors, a testament to James's daring experimentation.

As the ice swirled in the mixing glass, James stirred the ingredients with a flourish, their distinct colors merging into a rich, mahogany hue. With a confident smile, he strained the cocktail into chilled coupe glasses, garnishing each with a twist of orange peel.

The friends gathered around the coffee table, their eyes eagerly fixed on the amber liquid before them. As they raised their glasses in a toast, the warmth of the cocktail spread through their bodies, a welcome respite from the autumn chill.

The first sip was a revelation. The gin's citrusy notes danced on the tongue, followed by the bittersweet symphony of Campari. And then, there it was – the smoky whisper of the Islay whisky, lingering like a haunting melody, adding a layer of complexity and intrigue.

"Remarkable," exclaimed one friend, savoring the lingering flavors. "It's like autumn captured in a glass."

James nodded in satisfaction, his eyes sparkling with pride. The Winderised Negroni was his masterpiece, a testament to his passion for mixology and his ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

As the night wore on, the friends delved into deep conversations, their laughter echoing through the living room. The Winderised Negroni flowed freely, its smoky-citrusy goodness fueling their camaraderie and deepening their connection.

When it was time to part ways, they stepped out into the crisp autumn air, carrying with them the warmth of the shared experience and the lingering taste of the exceptional cocktail that had marked the beginning of their autumn gathering.


 30 ml (1oz) London Dry Gin
 22.50 ml (¾oz) Campari
 22.50 ml (¾oz)sweet vermouth
 ½ tsp peated Scotch whisky



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a Nick and Nora glass.

Winterised Negroni

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