Chocolate Almond Autumn Negroni

Chocolate Almond Autumn Negroni
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time3 mins

An autumnal Negroni which adds almond, chocolate and hits of cinnamon and star anise for rich autumn aromas.

 22.50 ml (¾ oz) London Dry Gin
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Campari
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) sweet vermouth
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) amaretto
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) chocolate liqueur
 4 dashes chocolate bitters
 Cinnamon stick and whole star anise for garnish

This recipe was created by from Mark and Angela at Cooking with Wine.


Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice (preferably a single large block).


Garnish with a cinnamon stick and star anise.


AI generated anecdote for article length

As the first chill of autumn crept into the air, Sarah found herself craving a warm, comforting drink to chase away the encroaching cold. Her mind wandered to the classic Negroni, a timeless cocktail that perfectly captured the essence of fall with its bittersweet symphony of flavors. But Sarah, ever the creative mixologist, couldn't resist putting her own spin on the beloved recipe.

Inspired by the rich, nutty notes of autumn, Sarah decided to incorporate the flavors of chocolate and almonds into her Negroni creation. She rummaged through her well-stocked liquor cabinet, her eyes lighting up as she spotted a bottle of amaretto and a decadent chocolate liqueur. These, she thought, would be the perfect additions to her autumnal cocktail.

With a determined glint in her eye, Sarah set about crafting her concoction. She carefully measured out the gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth, the three essential ingredients of a Negroni. Then, she added a splash of amaretto, its almondy sweetness weaving harmoniously with the bitterness of the Campari. Next came the chocolate liqueur, its rich, decadent flavor adding a luxurious depth to the cocktail.

To complete her masterpiece, Sarah garnished the cocktail with a cinnamon stick and a star anise, their warm, aromatic essences swirling around the glass. The final flourish was a delicate sprinkle of cocoa powder, dusting the rim of the glass with a touch of autumnal elegance.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the living room, Sarah presented her husband with the "Chocolate Almond Autumn Negroni" she had so lovingly crafted. He took a sip, his eyes widening in appreciation as the symphony of flavors danced across his palate.

"This is incredible, Sarah," he exclaimed, his voice filled with warmth and admiration. "It's like autumn in a glass." Sarah smiled, her heart swelling with pride. She had once again captured the essence of the season, not just in the flavors of her cocktail, but also in the love and care she had poured into its creation.

As they settled in for a night of cozy companionship, Sarah and her husband savored the warmth of the Negroni, its rich, autumnal flavors lingering on their taste buds long after the last sip. It was a testament to Sarah's creativity and her ability to transform simple ingredients into something truly special, a reminder that even in the midst of the changing seasons, there was always room for a little bit of magic.


 22.50 ml (¾ oz) London Dry Gin
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) Campari
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) sweet vermouth
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) amaretto
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) chocolate liqueur
 4 dashes chocolate bitters
 Cinnamon stick and whole star anise for garnish



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice (preferably a single large block).


Garnish with a cinnamon stick and star anise.

Chocolate Almond Autumn Negroni

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