St George & the Dragon

St George & the Dragon
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A cocktail of unknown origin, but perfect for St George's Day.

 52.50 ml (1¾ oz) Irish whiskey
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) sweet vermouth
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) peated Scotch whisky
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) Benedictine D.O.M
 2 dashes absinthe

Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a chilled cocktail coupe.

AI generated anecdote for article length

St. George's Day had finally arrived in the quaint English town of Stratford-upon-Avon, and the air was filled with a sense of merriment and camaraderie. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the cobblestone streets, a group of friends gathered at the cozy home of Edward, a passionate mixologist known for his creative concoctions.

Edward, a dapper gentleman with a twinkle in his eye and a penchant for adventure, had been eagerly awaiting this day to unveil his latest creation – the "St. George & the Dragon" cocktail. With ingredients carefully sourced from the finest distilleries, Edward was determined to craft a libation worthy of the legendary dragon-slaying saint.

As his friends settled into comfortable armchairs around the crackling fireplace, Edward donned his favorite apron and set to work at his makeshift bar. With practiced hands, he filled a mixing jug with ice, the clinking sound echoing through the room like a joyful melody.

With precise measurements, Edward added the Irish whiskey, its golden hue glinting in the soft candlelight. Next came the sweet vermouth, its rich aroma mingling with the subtle smokiness of the peated Scotch whiskey. Each ingredient was chosen with care, a testament to Edward's dedication to his craft.

But it was the addition of Benedictine DOM that truly set Edward's creation apart. Derived from a secret recipe of herbs and spices, this aromatic liqueur added a complexity that danced on the palate like a well-choreographed ballet.

Finally, with a flourish, Edward reached for the absinthe, its mystical green hue swirling hypnotically in the glass. With just a hint of this enigmatic spirit, he knew he had struck the perfect balance, capturing the essence of St. George's valiant spirit.

With the ingredients assembled, Edward began to stir, the ice clinking softly against the sides of the jug. As he worked, a sense of anticipation filled the room, each friend eagerly awaiting their first sip of Edward's masterpiece.

With a practiced flick of the wrist, Edward strained the cocktail into chilled coupes, the liquid shimmering like liquid gold in the firelight. With a flourish, he presented the glasses to his friends, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

As they raised their glasses in a toast to St. George, Edward couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. In that moment, surrounded by good friends and good cheer, he knew he had captured the spirit of the day – a celebration of bravery, camaraderie, and the triumph of good over evil.


 52.50 ml (1¾ oz) Irish whiskey
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) sweet vermouth
 22.50 ml (¾ oz) peated Scotch whisky
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) Benedictine D.O.M
 2 dashes absinthe



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a chilled cocktail coupe.

St George & the Dragon

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