Aperol Negroni

Aperol Negroni
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

A Negroni variant which replaces Campari with Aperol for a less herbaceous and more orange cocktail.

 30 ml (1 oz) London Dry Gin
 30 ml (1 oz) Aperol
 30 ml (1 oz)sweet vermouth
 Orange twist for garnish

Half-fill a cocktail glass with ice.


Add all ingredients to the jug and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice.


Twist the orange peel over the glass to express the oils and slot onto the rim.

AI generated anecdote for article length

On a crisp spring night, as the sky began to turn from a pastel pink to the deeper hues of twilight, Andrew found himself in his cozy apartment, eagerly awaiting the arrival of his friends. He had spent the entire afternoon tidying up and setting the perfect ambiance for the evening. Fairy lights twinkled around the living room, casting a warm glow over the plush couches and vintage posters on the walls. The scent of freshly baked focaccia wafted from the kitchen, mingling with the floral notes of the season.

Andrew had recently discovered a cocktail that he was eager to share with his friends: the Aperol Bianco. This unique concoction was a delightful blend of London dry gin, Aperol, and sweet vermouth. It was the perfect drink to usher in the lighter, brighter days of spring. He had practiced making it several times, perfecting his technique and ensuring he got the balance just right.

As the clock struck seven, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the first guest. Andrew opened the door to greet Sarah, her cheeks rosy from the cool evening air. She carried a bouquet of wildflowers, which she handed to Andrew with a grin. "Thought these would go nicely with the vibe," she said.

"They're perfect," Andrew replied, placing the flowers in a vase on the coffee table. "Make yourself comfortable. Can I get you a drink?"

Sarah settled into the couch, kicking off her shoes. "I'd love whatever you have in mind," she said. "I've heard you're becoming quite the mixologist."

Andrew chuckled as he moved to the kitchen counter, where his array of ingredients was laid out. "Tonight, I'm making an Aperol Bianco. It's a bit different from the usual cocktails, but I think you'll love it."

He took a sturdy tumbler and filled it halfway with ice, the cubes clinking musically against the glass. First, he poured in a measure of London dry gin, its juniper-forward aroma immediately filling the air. Next, he added the Aperol, its vibrant orange hue a striking contrast against the clear gin. Finally, he topped it off with sweet vermouth, stirring gently to blend the flavors without diluting them too much.

With a deft twist of an orange peel, Andrew garnished the drink, the oils from the citrus adding a fragrant finish. He carried the glass over to Sarah, who took it with an appreciative smile.

"Wow, this looks amazing," she said, taking a tentative sip. Her eyes widened in delight. "And it tastes even better! It's so refreshing and perfectly balanced."

Andrew beamed with pride as he returned to the kitchen to prepare more drinks. One by one, his friends arrived, each greeted with a hug and a glass of Aperol Bianco. The apartment buzzed with conversation and laughter, the cocktail proving to be a hit among the group.

As the evening progressed, they moved out to the small balcony that overlooked the city. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant hum of urban life. With their drinks in hand, they toasted to friendship and the arrival of spring, the clink of glasses a harmonious accompaniment to the night.

Andrew watched his friends, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the city lights. He felt a deep sense of contentment. There was something magical about sharing a carefully crafted cocktail with people he cared about, creating memories that would last long after the drinks were finished.

By the end of the night, as the last of his friends trickled out the door with promises to meet again soon, Andrew took a moment to reflect. The Aperol Bianco had been a triumph, but more importantly, the evening had been a reminder of the simple joys of life: good friends, good drinks, and the beauty of a spring night.

He cleaned up the remaining glasses, humming a tune under his breath. As he turned off the lights and headed to bed, he couldn't help but smile, already looking forward to the next gathering and the next opportunity to share his newfound passion for mixology.


 30 ml (1 oz) London Dry Gin
 30 ml (1 oz) Aperol
 30 ml (1 oz)sweet vermouth
 Orange twist for garnish



Half-fill a cocktail glass with ice.


Add all ingredients to the jug and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice.


Twist the orange peel over the glass to express the oils and slot onto the rim.

Aperol Negroni

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