Bismarck (Black Vevet)

AuthorThe Cocktails Must FlowCategory, DifficultyBeginner
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

Named for Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany between 1871 and 1890 , the Bismarck was created in the 1880s and called the CHampagne Velvet. Combining German Schwarzbier and French Champagne, it was apparently greatly enjoyed in quantity by Bismarck himself that it was renamed after him.

Served in a beer goblet, champagne flute or in a tumbler with or with out ice.

It was renamed again in 1914 to Black Velvet, this is the name most modern drinkers will know.

 1 part schwarzbier
 1 part champagne

Place a large ice cube in a tumbler.


Half-fill the glass with champagne.


Top with schwarzbier and gently stir.

When served as a Black Velvet it is usually served in a champagne flute with Guinness, or other porter, floated on top of the champagne.

AI generated anecdote for article length

Returning from an enchanting holiday in Bavaria, Mark was brimming with stories and new culinary discoveries to share with his friends. He had always been an adventurous traveler, keen to bring a piece of his journey back home. This time, his trip had introduced him to a unique and unexpected cocktail: the Bismarck. The combination of German Schwarzbier and French Champagne intrigued him, and he couldn’t wait to recreate it for his friends on a warm summer evening.

After a delightful dinner on his backyard patio, where the scents of grilled vegetables and smoked meats still lingered in the air, Mark’s friends settled into their chairs, ready to enjoy the rest of the evening. The twilight sky was painted in hues of pink and orange, and the atmosphere was perfect for a special after-dinner drink.

"Alright, everyone," Mark announced, standing behind his makeshift bar. "I've got something special for you tonight. It's a cocktail I discovered in Bavaria, called the Bismarck." His friends perked up, intrigued by the exotic name and the promise of something new. Mark had always been the group’s resident mixologist, and his creations never disappointed.

He laid out the ingredients on the bar: a bottle of German Schwarzbier, its dark, rich label hinting at the robust flavors within, and a bottle of French Champagne, elegant and effervescent. The combination seemed unusual, but Mark’s enthusiasm was contagious. He grabbed a tumbler and began filling it with ice, the cubes clinking softly, adding a touch of anticipation to the air.

"So, here’s how it goes," Mark explained, holding up the Champagne bottle. "We start with Champagne, which forms the base of our cocktail." He carefully poured the bubbly into the tumbler, the liquid fizzing and crackling as it met the ice. The sound was refreshing, and the sight of the golden Champagne sparkling in the glass was captivating.

Next, Mark picked up the bottle of Schwarzbier. "Now comes the interesting part," he said with a smile. "We float the Schwarzbier on top of the Champagne." His friends watched in awe as he gently poured the dark beer over the back of a spoon, allowing it to cascade slowly into the glass. The contrast was striking: the deep, rich hue of the beer floating above the pale, bubbly Champagne.

"And there you have it," Mark declared, holding up the completed drink. "The Bismarck." He handed the first glass to his friend Dave, who took a cautious sip. Dave's eyes widened in surprise and delight.

"Wow, this is fantastic," Dave exclaimed. "The beer and Champagne together create such a unique flavor. It’s rich and refreshing at the same time." The rest of the group, now even more curious, eagerly awaited their turn to try the cocktail.

Mark quickly set to work, repeating the process for each of his friends. As they sipped their drinks, their faces lit up with appreciation. The Bismarck was a hit, its complex yet harmonious flavors providing a delightful end to the evening. The deep, malty notes of the Schwarzbier perfectly complemented the light, crisp bubbles of the Champagne, creating a drink that was both sophisticated and approachable.

Encouraged by their reactions, Mark began to share stories from his Bavarian adventure. He talked about the picturesque villages, the rolling hills, and the welcoming locals who had introduced him to the Bismarck. His friends listened intently, their glasses in hand, the cocktail transporting them to the heart of Bavaria with each sip.

As the night deepened and the conversation flowed, the Bismarck continued to impress. The unique cocktail sparked discussions about travel, culture, and the joy of discovering new flavors. It was more than just a drink; it was a bridge between places and experiences, a testament to the beauty of combining different traditions.

By the time the glasses were empty and the evening was winding down, Mark’s friends were effusive in their praise. "You’ve outdone yourself, Mark," Sarah said, raising her empty glass in a toast. "This is one of the best cocktails you’ve ever made. It’s like a little bit of Bavaria in a glass."

Mark smiled, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. "I’m glad you all enjoyed it. That’s the magic of travel, isn’t it? Bringing back something special to share with friends." The group raised their glasses one last time, toasting to friendship, adventure, and the joy of discovery.

As the last of his friends departed and the night grew still, Mark took a moment to reflect on the evening. The Bismarck had been a triumph, a perfect blend of cultures and flavors that had brought a piece of Bavaria into his home. He cleaned up the bar, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. The memories of the evening, much like the cocktail, were rich and effervescent, a reminder of the enduring pleasure of sharing new experiences with those who matter most.


 1 part schwarzbier
 1 part champagne



Place a large ice cube in a tumbler.


Half-fill the glass with champagne.


Top with schwarzbier and gently stir.

Bismarck (Black Vevet)

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