Maple Bourbon Hot Chocolate

Bourbon Maple Hot Chocolate
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time10 mins

A maple bourbon to warm you up on a cold night.

 250 ml milk
 2 tbsp double cream
 15 g maple syrup
 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
 23 g dark chocolate chips
 ¼ tsp vanilla extract
 30 ml bourbon
 Whipped cream and marshmallows for topping

Add milk, double cream and maple syrup to a pan on medium heat and bring to the boil while stirring frequently.


Add cocoa powder, chocolate chips and keep on the heat until the chips melt and the hot chocolate is think and creamy.


Add the vanilla extract and bourbon and stir well.


Pour into a mug and garnish with whipped cream and/or marshmallows.



 250 ml milk
 2 tbsp double cream
 15 g maple syrup
 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
 23 g dark chocolate chips
 ¼ tsp vanilla extract
 30 ml bourbon
 Whipped cream and marshmallows for topping



Add milk, double cream and maple syrup to a pan on medium heat and bring to the boil while stirring frequently.


Add cocoa powder, chocolate chips and keep on the heat until the chips melt and the hot chocolate is think and creamy.


Add the vanilla extract and bourbon and stir well.


Pour into a mug and garnish with whipped cream and/or marshmallows.

Maple Bourbon Hot Chocolate

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