Planter’s Punch

Planter's Punch
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

An official IBA cocktail, the Planter's Punch originated in Jamaica and has a simple rhyme to remember the ingredients; "one of sour, two of sweet, three of strong and four of weak".

 15 ml (½ oz) freshly squeezed lime juice
 30 ml (1 oz) sugar cane juice (or sugar syrup)
 45 ml (1½ oz) Jamaican rum
 60 ml (2 oz) water

Fill a glass with ice.


Pour the ingredients over the ice and stir gently to combine.

AI generated anecdote for article length

It was a quintessential summer evening, the kind where the air was warm and fragrant with the scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass. Mark had decided to host a BBQ for his friends, a casual gathering that promised good food, lively conversation, and a few expertly crafted cocktails. As the grill sizzled with an assortment of meats and vegetables, Mark’s thoughts turned to the perfect drink to complement the evening’s festivities. He knew exactly what to make: Planter's Punch.

Mark had always loved the rich history and vibrant flavors of Caribbean cocktails, and Planter's Punch was a particular favorite. The recipe was simple yet evocative, capturing the essence of tropical leisure in every sip. The rhyme he remembered – "one of sour, two of sweet, three of strong, and four of weak" – danced in his mind as he prepared his makeshift bar in the corner of the patio.

As his friends began to arrive, Mark greeted them with broad smiles and handed out ice-cold beers. The evening was already off to a great start, but he knew the real treat was yet to come. With everyone settled in and the first round of burgers nearly ready, Mark announced that he was about to make a special cocktail.

"Gather 'round, everyone! Tonight, we're having Planter's Punch," he declared, his voice carrying over the hum of conversation and the occasional pop from the grill.

The curiosity of his friends was piqued, and they formed a semicircle around the bar, eager to watch Mark in action. He began by filling a glass with ice, the clinking sound drawing their attention. "So, the rhyme goes like this," Mark explained, holding up his fingers as he counted off each line, "one of sour, two of sweet, three of strong, and four of weak."

He picked up a fresh lime and expertly sliced it in half, squeezing the juice directly into a measuring jigger. "This is our 'one of sour'," he said, pouring the lime juice into the glass over the ice. The tart aroma of lime filled the air, eliciting appreciative murmurs from his audience.

Next, Mark reached for the sugar cane juice, a staple in many tropical drinks. "And here’s 'two of sweet'," he continued, carefully measuring and pouring the viscous liquid into the glass. The sweetness of the sugar cane juice balanced the sharpness of the lime, creating a tantalizing base for the cocktail.

"Now for the fun part – 'three of strong'," Mark announced with a wink, as he grabbed a bottle of dark Jamaican rum. He measured out the rich, amber liquid, its strong, molasses-like scent adding a heady note to the concoction. As he poured the rum into the glass, his friends let out a collective cheer, excited for the punch’s promise of potency.

"And finally, 'four of weak'," Mark concluded, picking up a pitcher of chilled water. He topped off the mixture, the water blending all the ingredients together into a harmonious whole. With a long bar spoon, he stirred the drink gently, ensuring everything was well combined.

To finish, Mark added a dash of bitters and garnished the glass with a slice of lime and a sprig of mint. He handed the first glass to his friend Dave, who took a tentative sip. Dave's eyes lit up, and he let out an appreciative sigh. "This is fantastic, Mark. It’s refreshing and just the right amount of sweet and strong. Perfect for a summer evening."

Encouraged by the positive feedback, Mark quickly set to work making more glasses of Planter's Punch, each one as meticulously crafted as the first. The group toasted to good friends and good times, their glasses clinking in the golden light of the setting sun. The punch proved to be the perfect complement to the smoky aromas from the grill, enhancing the relaxed and jovial atmosphere of the BBQ.

As the evening wore on, the Planter's Punch became a star of the gathering. Mark’s friends praised the cocktail's balance of flavors, its ability to refresh and invigorate. The lime juice provided a bright, tangy bite, the sugar cane juice a smooth, natural sweetness, the Jamaican rum a rich, robust depth, and the water a perfect tempering touch to tie everything together.

“I think you’ve found your calling, Mark,” joked Sarah, a friend from college, as she accepted her second glass. “You could open a bar with cocktails like this.”

Mark laughed, shaking his head. “I don’t know about that, but I’m glad you’re all enjoying it. There’s something special about making drinks for friends – it just makes the whole evening better.”

Under the twinkling patio lights, the group settled into comfortable conversations, their spirits buoyed by the delicious Planter's Punch. Mark took a moment to step back and take in the scene: the laughter, the camaraderie, the contentment written across his friends’ faces. It was these moments that he cherished most, the simple joy of sharing something he loved with the people who mattered to him.

By the time the last of the punch had been poured and the grill had cooled, the evening had settled into a mellow, satisfied rhythm. The friends lounged in their chairs, reminiscing about old times and making plans for future gatherings. The punch had done its work, weaving a thread of connection and happiness through the evening.

As his guests began to say their goodbyes, Mark received a steady stream of compliments and heartfelt thanks. Dave, always the last to leave, clapped Mark on the shoulder and said, “You really outdid yourself tonight, buddy. That punch was something else. We’ll be talking about this BBQ for a long time.”

Mark smiled, a deep sense of fulfillment washing over him. “I’m glad you all had a good time. That’s what it’s all about, right? Good drinks, good food, and great friends.”

With that, the last of his guests departed, leaving Mark alone with the pleasant task of tidying up. As he cleared the empty glasses and extinguished the patio lights, he reflected on the evening’s success. The Planter's Punch had been more than just a cocktail; it had been a catalyst for creating memories and strengthening bonds.

Mark poured himself one last glass of the punch, savoring the final taste of the night. He raised his glass in a silent toast to the summer evening, to the laughter of friends, and to the simple, enduring pleasure of a well-made cocktail. With a contented sigh, he took a sip, the flavors dancing on his tongue, a perfect end to a perfect night.


 15 ml (½ oz) freshly squeezed lime juice
 30 ml (1 oz) sugar cane juice (or sugar syrup)
 45 ml (1½ oz) Jamaican rum
 60 ml (2 oz) water



Fill a glass with ice.


Pour the ingredients over the ice and stir gently to combine.

Planter’s Punch

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