Milano Torino

Milano Torino
Yields1 Serving
Prep Time2 mins

Originating in approximately 1860 at the Gaspare Campari’s café in Milan, takes its name from the birthplaces of Campari in Milano (Milan to the English) and Vermouth di Torino in Torino (Turin to the english). It is the cocktail from which the Negroni is derived.

 45 ml Campari
 45 ml Sweet vermouth (ideally Cocchi Vermouth Di Torino).
 Orange wheel for garnish

Place ice in a tumbler.


Add the Campari followed by the sweet vermouth.


Stir gently and garnish with an orange wheel.


AI generated anecdote for article length

Two friends, John and James, were sitting in a bar in London. They had been friends since college, and they loved to try new cocktails.

"I saw this new cocktail on the menu," said John. "It's called the Milano Torino."

"What's in it?" asked James.

"It's made with Campari and sweet vermouth," said John. "It's supposed to be a really refreshing drink."

"Sounds good," said James. "Let's try it."

The bartender came over and took their order. A few minutes later, he brought them their cocktails.

"Cheers," said John.

They clinked their glasses together and took a sip.

"Wow," said James. "That's really good."

"I know, right?" said John. "It's the perfect balance of sweet and bitter."

They continued to drink their cocktails and talk. They talked about their jobs, their families, and their dreams. They laughed and joked, and they felt more relaxed and connected than they had in a long time.

As the night went on, they ordered a few more Milano Torinos. They talked until the bar closed, and they both felt like they had made a new friend.

The next morning, they woke up feeling refreshed and happy. They knew that they would never forget the night they had spent drinking Milano Torinos and talking about their lives.

A few weeks later, John and James met up again. They went to the same bar and ordered Milano Torinos. They talked about how much they had enjoyed their first time drinking the cocktail, and they agreed that it was one of their favorites.

They continued to meet up at the bar every few weeks, and they always ordered Milano Torinos. It became their tradition, and it was a way for them to connect and celebrate their friendship.

One day, John and James were sitting in the bar, drinking Milano Torinos. They were talking about their plans for the future, and they were both feeling optimistic.

"I can't wait to see what the future holds," said John.

"Me neither," said James. "I know that whatever happens, we'll always be friends."

They clinked their glasses together and took a sip of their cocktails. They knew that they were right. No matter what happened, they would always be friends.


 45 ml Campari
 45 ml Sweet vermouth (ideally Cocchi Vermouth Di Torino).
 Orange wheel for garnish



Place ice in a tumbler.


Add the Campari followed by the sweet vermouth.


Stir gently and garnish with an orange wheel.

Milano Torino

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