3rd #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 25th August: Weeski

Our third and final cocktail is the Weeski. Created by David Wondrich in 2014 in Brooklyn, New York City, USA. Originally made as a last minute “panic” drink, he named it “Weeski” as he thought it tasted like whiskey would if it were French and sounds like how they say “whiskey”.

David tweeted about the cocktail as he created it.


Yields1 Serving
Prep Time3 mins

Created by David Wondrich in 2014 in Brooklyn, New York City, USA. Originally made as a last minute "panic" drink, he named it "Weeski" as he thought it tasted like whiskey would if it were French and sounds like how they say "whiskey".

 60 ml Irish whiskey
 30 ml Lillet Blanc
 7.50 ml Tripe Sec
 1 dash orange bitters


Half-fill a mixing jug with ice,


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a coupe and garnish with an orange twist.

AI generated anecdote for article length

On an early summer night, the air was filled with the sound of laughter and the faint hum of cicadas as Michael prepared to impress his friends with a cocktail he had recently discovered: the Weeski. The group of old college buddies had reunited for their annual summer gathering, a tradition that never failed to bring back fond memories and the joy of good company. This year, Michael had promised something special, a drink that would capture the essence of their friendship and the refreshing spirit of summer evenings.

Michael had spent the previous week perfecting the Weeski, a cocktail that balanced the smoothness of Irish whiskey with the aromatic notes of Lillet Blanc, the sweetness of Triple Sec, and the zesty punch of orange bitters. He had carefully selected each ingredient, ensuring that only the best would make it into his concoction. His friends were curious and excited, having heard him rave about this new creation for days.

The sun was just beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the backyard where they had set up a cozy seating area with string lights and comfortable chairs. The perfect setting for an unforgettable night. Michael stood behind the makeshift bar, a repurposed wooden table adorned with fresh oranges, a crystal mixing glass, and an assortment of bottles. His friends gathered around, chatting and catching up, but their eyes kept darting towards Michael, eager to see him in action.

"Alright, everyone, gather 'round!" Michael called out, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Tonight, I'm making you all a Weeski. Trust me, you're going to love it."

He began by filling the mixing glass with ice, the cubes clinking softly against the sides. The air was filled with the crisp scent of citrus as he expertly sliced an orange for the garnish. Michael's movements were confident and fluid, a testament to the hours he had spent practicing this very moment.

First, he poured a generous measure of Irish whiskey into the mixing glass. The amber liquid gleamed in the fading light, promising warmth and richness. Next came the Lillet Blanc, a French aperitif wine that added a delicate floral note to the mix. Michael then reached for the Triple Sec, its bright orange essence providing a sweet counterbalance. Finally, he added a few dashes of orange bitters, the aromatic spices rounding out the drink.

With everything in the glass, Michael took up a long-handled bar spoon and began to stir. The ice swirled and clattered, chilling the mixture to perfection. As he stirred, he glanced up at his friends, who were watching with anticipation. Their faces were lit with the soft glow of the string lights, their expressions a blend of curiosity and excitement.

Once he was satisfied with the chill, Michael carefully strained the Weeski into a row of coupe glasses, the liquid flowing smoothly and settling with a slight froth. The final touch was an orange wedge, which he perched on the rim of each glass, its vibrant color a perfect complement to the golden drink.

He handed out the glasses, one by one, each friend accepting their drink with a smile. They raised their glasses in a toast, the clinking sound mingling with the evening's symphony of nature and conversation.

"To old friends and new adventures!" Michael declared, his eyes shining with pride and joy.

The first sip was met with unanimous approval. The Weeski was everything Michael had promised and more. The Irish whiskey provided a smooth, robust base, while the Lillet Blanc and Triple Sec added layers of complexity and sweetness. The orange bitters tied it all together, leaving a lingering, delightful finish. It was a drink that captured the spirit of their friendship—rich, layered, and full of surprises.

As the night wore on, the Weeskis flowed freely, and the conversation grew even more animated. They shared stories of the past year, laughed over old memories, and made plans for the future. Michael watched his friends, his heart swelling with happiness. He knew that nights like this were rare and precious, and he was grateful for every moment.

The Weeski had not only impressed his friends but had also become a symbol of their enduring bond. It was a night they would remember for years to come, a testament to the power of a well-crafted cocktail and the joy of sharing it with those who matter most.


 60 ml Irish whiskey
 30 ml Lillet Blanc
 7.50 ml Tripe Sec
 1 dash orange bitters



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice,


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a coupe and garnish with an orange twist.


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