2nd #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 24th November: Autumn Leaves

Our second cocktail is the Autumn Leaves. A great autumnal cocktail with a nice combination of spicy whiskey, apple, vermouth and with herbal notes. Created by Jeffrey Morgenthaler at Bel Ami Lounge, Oregon, USA, in 2008.

Autumn Leaves

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time3 mins

A great autumnal cocktail with a nice combination of spicy whiskey, apple, vermouth and with herbal notes. Created by Jeffrey Morgenthaler at Bel Ami Lounge, Oregon, USA, in 2008.

 30 ml (1 oz) rye whiskey
 30 ml (1 oz) calvados
 30 ml (1 oz) sweet vermouth
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) Strega liqueur
 2 dashes Angostura Aromatic Bitters


Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice.


Garnish with an orange twist.


AI generated anecdote for article length

As the leaves began to change color and the first crisp autumn breeze swept through the air, Emily decided to host a gathering for her friends to celebrate the season. She envisioned an evening filled with laughter, warmth, and of course, delicious cocktails.

Emily had always been passionate about mixology, and she relished the opportunity to create unique and flavorful concoctions for her guests. With autumn as her inspiration, she set about crafting a cocktail that would capture the essence of the season – a drink that would be both comforting and invigorating.

After careful consideration, Emily settled on a recipe that she called the "Autumn Leaves." It was a tantalizing blend of rye whiskey, calvados, sweet vermouth, Strega liqueur, and aromatic bitters. The rye whiskey provided a spicy kick, while the calvados added a touch of apple-y sweetness. The sweet vermouth smoothed out the sharp edges, and the Strega liqueur infused the cocktail with a herbal complexity.

As Emily prepared the cocktails, her kitchen filled with the enticing aromas of spices and herbs. The anticipation grew as her friends arrived, eager to sample her autumnal creation.

Emily carefully measured out each ingredient, her movements precise and practiced. She poured the amber-hued liquids into an Old Fashioned glass, the ice clinking softly as they met. A few drops of aromatic bitters swirled around the glass, adding a touch of mystique.

With a flourish, Emily garnished the cocktail with a twist of orange peel, its citrusy fragrance mingling with the other aromas. She presented the cocktail to her friends, their eyes widening in anticipation.

As they took their first sip, a symphony of flavors erupted on their taste buds. The rye whiskey's spiciness danced with the calvados' sweetness, while the sweet vermouth provided a mellow backdrop. The Strega liqueur's herbal notes added an intriguing complexity, and the aromatic bitters lingered on the palate, leaving a trail of warm spice.

"This is incredible, Emily!" exclaimed one of her friends, her voice filled with delight. "It's like autumn in a glass." The others nodded in agreement, their faces lit up with appreciation.

Emily smiled, her heart swelling with pride. She had once again captured the essence of the season, not just in the flavors of her cocktail, but also in the warmth and camaraderie she had created among her friends.

As the evening unfolded, the laughter and conversation flowed freely, punctuated by sips of the Autumn Leaves cocktail. The room was filled with a sense of cozy contentment, a perfect reflection of the changing season outside.

When the night drew to a close, Emily watched as her friends bid each other farewell, their faces flushed with the warmth of good company and good cocktails. She knew that the Autumn Leaves would become a cherished memory of their autumn gathering, a reminder of the simple pleasures of friendship and the magic of a well-crafted cocktail.


 30 ml (1 oz) rye whiskey
 30 ml (1 oz) calvados
 30 ml (1 oz) sweet vermouth
 7.50 ml (¼ oz) Strega liqueur
 2 dashes Angostura Aromatic Bitters



Half-fill a mixing jug with ice.


Add all ingredients and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a tumbler over fresh ice.


Garnish with an orange twist.

Autumn Leaves

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