1st #cocktail of #FridayNightCocktails on 17th: Calvados Hot Toddy

Our first cocktail is the Calvados Hot Toddy, a warming Calvados Hot Toddy, perfect for autumn or winter, created by Jose Torrella of The Barclay Bar, New York City, new York, USA.

With autumn nearing an end and winter soon to be upon us, this seemed the perfect warming cocktail for today.

Calvados Hot Toddy

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time5 mins

A warming Calvados Hot Toddy, perfect for autumn or winter, created by Jose Torrella of The Barclay Bar, New York City, new York, USA.

 60 g sugar
 1 tsp ground cinnamon (plus extra for garnish)
 180 ml apple cider
 45 ml calvados
 120 ml double cream
 1 cinnamon stick for garnish


Mix sugar and ground cinnamon together in a dish wide enough for your mug.


Pour cider into a bowl of the same size and wet the mug to a depth of 1cm.


Dip the rim of the mug in the apple cider and then in sugar/cinnamon mix.


Whip the double cream and 15ml calvados until stiff peaks form and refrigerate.


Heat the apple cider in a pan and add remaining 30ml calvados..


Pour into the mug and top with the whipped cream.


Garnish with ground cinnamon and a cinnamon stick.


AI generated anecdote for article length

As the first tendrils of autumn mist began to creep through the ancient oak trees that lined their country lane, John and Mary settled into their cozy cottage, the flickering flames of their hearth casting warm, dancing shadows across the room.

John, a man of quiet strength and a deep love for his wife, had spent the afternoon gathering the necessary ingredients for the perfect autumnal treat: a Calvados Hot Toddy. He carefully selected the apples, their skins flushed with crimson and gold, and the Calvados, an apple brandy that captured the very essence of the French countryside.

With the aroma of freshly baked apple pie wafting from the kitchen, John gently knocked on the door of their bedroom, where Mary was curled up with a good book, seeking refuge from the chill that had settled over the land.

"Darling," he called softly, his voice laced with affection. "I've concocted a little something to warm you up from the inside out."

Mary's eyes lit up as she recognized the unmistakable scent of Calvados, a fragrance that always reminded her of their romantic honeymoon in Normandy, where they had first tasted the exquisite brandy.

With a smile that could rival the sun's radiance, Mary followed John's gentle footsteps into the living room, where the fire crackled merrily, casting a warm glow over the room.

John, a master of mixology, had transformed the humble mug into a work of art. The rim was delicately adorned with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar, and the contents, a mesmerizing blend of Calvados, apple cider, honey, and a touch of lemon zest, shimmered under the firelight.

As Mary inhaled the intoxicating aroma, she felt a wave of warmth wash over her, chasing away the lingering chill of the autumn day. She took a tentative sip, the liquid dancing on her taste buds, a symphony of sweet, tart, and spicy flavors that awakened her senses.

"Oh, John," she murmured, her eyes sparkling with delight. "This is absolutely heavenly! It's like a warm hug from the inside out."

John's heart swelled with pride as he watched his wife savor the Calvados Hot Toddy. He had poured his love and affection into every detail, from the carefully selected ingredients to the artful presentation.

As they sat by the fire, sipping their Calvados Hot Toddies, John and Mary shared stories and laughter, their voices blending with the crackling of the flames. The world outside seemed to fade away, replaced by a cocoon of warmth and love.

The Calvados Hot Toddy, a simple yet magical concoction, had not just warmed Mary's body; it had also warmed her heart, reminding her of the deep and abiding love she shared with her husband.

As the autumn leaves danced outside their window, John and Mary continued their evening, their love story unfolding like the pages of a well-worn book, filled with warmth, laughter, and the lingering taste of Calvados.


 60 g sugar
 1 tsp ground cinnamon (plus extra for garnish)
 180 ml apple cider
 45 ml calvados
 120 ml double cream
 1 cinnamon stick for garnish



Mix sugar and ground cinnamon together in a dish wide enough for your mug.


Pour cider into a bowl of the same size and wet the mug to a depth of 1cm.


Dip the rim of the mug in the apple cider and then in sugar/cinnamon mix.


Whip the double cream and 15ml calvados until stiff peaks form and refrigerate.


Heat the apple cider in a pan and add remaining 30ml calvados..


Pour into the mug and top with the whipped cream.


Garnish with ground cinnamon and a cinnamon stick.

Calvados Hot Toddy

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